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.They did need to talk, after all, and she loved him.The thought of seeing him had been even more compelling than all of Ava’s arguments put together.But leaving had been her idea—and they hadn’t really communicated clearly since.How did I imagine this was going to work out? she thought, wrung out with fatigue, suddenly hoping that he wasn’t upset or angry.Or worse, hoping that he hadn’t moved on to some model-skinny Parisian woman named Monique.She was so intent on her nervous thoughts that she walked right past the limo driver holding up a sign: Emily Stanfield.Wait.Was that my name?She backed up, staring.Well, it wasn’t as if Emily Stanfield was all that uncommon a name.Still…“Mademoiselle?” the limo driver said, tipping his hat.“Are you Emily Stanfield?”She nodded.“Well, that’s my name,” she admitted.“But I didn’t…”“You’re coming from…” He rattled off her flight number.The odds of two women named Emily Stanfield on the same plane were pretty slim.“Yes, that’s me,” Emily said, feeling mystified.“But…”“Come with me, please.” The driver started to grab her bag.“Whoa! Wait a minute,” she said, tugging the bag from him.“I didn’t get a limo.Who sent you?”He smiled.“This is your Valentine’s Day surprise,” the limo driver explained.“From a Monsieur Colin Reese.”Colin.Feeling floaty and disoriented, she allowed the limo driver to take her bags and she followed him to the waiting car.Somehow it wasn’t a surprise.Colin knew she was coming—even knew what flight she was on.How had he managed that? Obviously he’d called the hotel and someone had told him.Probably Sue, Emily thought with a smile.It would be like her.It took almost an hour, but the driver took her from the airport to the city, cruising through the picturesque streets.She felt a growing bubble of excitement.This is going to be my home, she thought.With Colin.After a long time, they finally wound their way up a hill.“Voilà.Here we are, mademoiselle,” the limo driver said with a flourish.“Where is here?” she asked, getting out of the car and stretching slightly.“Montmartre,” the limo driver answered.“Home of artists, poets…lovers.Enjoy!”She wandered to a set of stairs where people were sitting enjoying the sprawling view of all of Paris below.It was breathtaking.Emily hugged herself.Suddenly another pair of arms covered her own, hugging her to him.“Hey, you,” Colin’s voice whispered in her ear.She turned—and saw a completely bedraggled, disheveled Colin.He had about two days’ growth of beard, and his eyes were bloodshot.“What happened to you?” she asked, concerned.He laughed.“You would not believe what my last forty-eight hours have been like,” he said.“By the way—we need to talk.”She stiffened.“About what?”“No, I mean we need to talk more than we do,” he said, kissing her with a chuckle.“Do you know how many people are swarming all over the Stanfield Arms as we speak? It’s like a packing convention over there.”“I know,” she agreed ruefully.“I hadn’t even decided yet when I was going to move or where, and next thing I knew I…” Slowly his statement sank in.“Wait a minute.You saw them?”“I just got back from Connecticut,” he said, kissing her again.“I’ve been on more planes than I care to think about and I had to pay outrageously to beat you here.I just landed, myself.”She burst out laughing, hugging him.“We’re idiots.”“Yeah,” he agreed.“But we’re in love.That’s got to count for something.”She felt warmth bubble through her.“I got some investors.”“I heard.” He hugged her tighter.“Joy’s running the place—better than I ever could,” she said, her words tumbling out in a rush.“I’m still an owner, but I don’t have to be there anymore.The place stays in my name, and I still can go back whenever I like, but Joy has my apartment.I’m moving here to Paris.” She bit her lip.“I was hoping I could live with you.That we could work things out.”“That’s the funny thing,” he said.“I’d just set up a telecommuting arrangement so I could be with you.”The warmth expanded, enveloping her in its comforting glow.“You would’ve done that for me?”“I would have done more.” He stroked her hair.“I’m so sorry I wasn’t more supportive.I was so intent on all my old hang-ups with Tall Pines that I didn’t see you were having trouble keeping your head above water.I was so focused on what I would’ve done,” he said, kissing her softly, “that I didn’t pay attention to what you needed.”Emily smiled.“It took a while, but I finally figured out that I was hiding in my past,” she confided.“I was trying to please everyone.The only important thing was making sure that I was doing what I really wanted to do.And as much as I love Tall Pines, I need to grow.I need to try new things.” She nuzzled his chest.“I need you.”They kissed deeply.Then they turned to look at the city laid out like a present before them.“Welcome to your new life, Emily Stanfield,” Colin said.She turned to him, eyes glowing.“I can’t wait.”EpilogueOne Christmas later“JOY’S REALLY DONE wonders with the place, hasn’t she?” Emily surveyed their room.It was redecorated in shades of brick-red, deep forest-green and copper and looked like a sumptuous autumn landscape.“Yeah [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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