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.TERRORISM IN AMERICATerror, as a concept, means "intimidating", but this intimidating is in greatintensity and capable of creating sudden feelings of fear on individualsexplaining the manner of violence.There have been many definitions maderegarding terror, but in the international arena, no common concept has beendetermined.This is because the person who is declared as the terrorist by oneside is called as the warrior of freedom by the other side.The mostsignificant characteristic of terror is that it chooses the targetrandomly, and this random determination of victim causes the fear they try toachieve on the individuals in greater impacts.If there is no specificprecaution taken in case something bad happens, the one who is chosen, as thetarget will be defenceless.This potential victim has got nothing to do withdefending himself not knowing the danger, because, the time and the place ofthe murderous action are up to the terrorist himself within his rules andaims.According to Law of Terror Prevention (dated 12.04.1991 and numbered 3713),Terror is defined as follows: "Terror is all kinds of activities to beattempted by a member or members of an organization on the purpose of changingthe characteristics of the Republic which is stated in the constitution, andthe political, juridical, social, secular, economic system, destroying theterritorial integrity of the state and the government and its people, weakeningor ruining or invading the authority of the government, demolishing the rightsand freedom, jeopardizing the existence of Turkish government and Republic,destroying the public order or peace and security."Islam is a religion of peace.Terrorism on the other hand, has to do with theuse of violent force and intimidation by individuals or groups to achievepolitical aims.Clearly therefore, Islam and Terrorism are two separate anddistinctive ideologies.Terrorism has no place in Islam.This is why Muslimsall over the world are united in condemning unequivocally the September 11,2001 dastardly attacks on targets in America.The horrific attacks on targets in US are pregnant with lessons and messagesthat the world cannot ignore if a repeat of another wrong is to be avoided.Inmy opinion, the messages in these attacks are simple and clear, it is about theneed for honesty, fairness and equity.There is the need to treatment othernations and their citizens fairly, honestly and equally in the world affairs.Western nation foreign policies, particularly those of the US towards othernations are anything but fair, honest or equal.While United States is still trying to establish who masterminded September 11assaults in New York and Washington, They have declared that they are at “warwith terrorism," and they will make no distinction between the terrorists andthose who harbor them.The US government has already named their chief suspectas Bin Laden currently living in Afghanistan.While Muslims all over the worldincluding ordinary Afghans support the tracking down of these terrorists,large-scale military attack on Afghanistan is certainly going to be anotherwrong.Only innocent people (women and children) will be killed in suchlarge-scale attacks (in addition to over 300 Afghans that are so far reportedas either missing or dead in the WTC attacks, also).Common characteristics of the terrorist organisations are:To express itself by violent actions and make its’ name known internationallyTo find a legal fundament by exploiting existing ideological systemsTo rely on democratic corporations, laws and shields to conceal their violentideas.To sustain their actionsTo be organisedTo destroy the social orderTo be involved in the crime organisations to maintain financial support [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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