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.The coefficient of wear of brake shoes is determined by a position of a checkbox 4 (fig.23).The marginal wearing corresponds to concurrence of a check boxwith neat "1" on a cover of a brake drum at squeeze out the lever of a handbrake.At assembly a check box to establish on a label "0" (lever of the brakeis not paired to a rope).After regulation of the brake the check box will takea position between labels "0" and "1".For improvement of activity of the drive of the brake of a forward sprocket inthe vernal-autumnal season we recommend a cable rope of a rope of the forwardbrake to oil motor automobile or brake fluid, and adjusting screws to dispose agroove downwards.The lubrication is made by dipping of a cable rope incapacitance with oil and subsequent movings of a shell (5-10 times) on a cablerope.5.3.8.Circuit of the drive of a back sprocketFig.28.The installation of the latch of the lock of a circuit, control of atension of a circuitFor deposition of lubrication on a circuit to separate the lock to remove acircuit, to flush and to plot lubrication (see tab.2) or to remove a dextralcover of a casing and, turning a back sprocket to plot on a circuitlubrication.At assembly circuit links to connect by the lock, latch toestablish by a cut in the party inverse to motion of a circuit (a fig.28).Tension of a circuit to check up by clicking the lower rubber jacket of acircuit hill up and downwards on middle of a jacket (fig.28).At moving of acircuit more than 30 mms to tighten it, changing a position of an axis of aback sprocket by a nut 3 (fig.29).Having adjusted a circuit to wrap up nutsof an axel, axis and tie rods.In case of a large extract of a circuit totruncate it on two links, using a coupling link and tool from a complete set.At regulation of a circuit to monitor, that the sprockets were in one plane.Regulation of the installation of sprockets in one plane to make on risks onthe pendulous fork and ledges of tie rods of a circuit.After tension controlof a circuit it is necessary to make regulation of the brake of a backsprocket.Fig.29.Tension control of a circuit:1, 2, 3 - nut; 4 - lock nut5.3.9.Reduction gearbox of a speedometerThe service of the reduction gearbox of a speedometer is encompass byed tolubrication of pinions.For this purpose to remove a casing of the disk braketo turn unscrew a bolt, to take out a flexible roller, bush a cone.To flushand to lubricate parts.Assembly to make in return sequence.5.4.Electric equipmentThe scheme electrical is given on an insert.The electric equipment of amotorcycle actuates:sources of electrical power - battery accumulative and generator;the device of regulation - rectifier - voltage regulator;devices of ignition - induction coil, sensor, switchboard and ignition plug;devices of illumination and signalling system - head lamp, the rear canopy,lanterns of turn indicators, sound ñèã has gorged (for a motorcycle with alateral trailer a follow-up forward dimensional lantern and rear canopy);control instruments and control - ignition switch, indicating lights,interrupter of turn indicators, switch of a mode of illumination, disconnectingswitch of a sound signal, switch of the indexes of turn, switch of a mode ofillumination, switch of the signalling system by distant light, emergencyshut-down of the engine, disconnecting switch of XOFF of brakes of forward andback sprockets.5.4.1.GeneratorThe generator (fig.30) alternating-current single-phase with excitation frompermanent magnets.The rotary table of the generator is established on a tumulus of a dextral axelof a crankshaft of the engine, a stator - in a cover of the generator or it isground, fixed in a crankcase.The stator has two separate winding: charging andpower.The charging winding is connected directly to the switchboard and servesfor a feed of an ignition system of the engine, the power winding throughrectifier-regulator provides a feed of devices of illumination, signallingsystem and battery charging accumulative.Fig.30.The generator and sensor of ignition:1 - rotary table; 2 - stator; 3 - sensor of ignitionA feed of a system of ignition implements an alternating current, remainingcustomer - through rectifier-regulator of voltage by a direct current.The generator has no sliding contacts and friction of parts, its service isreduced to overseeing by a condition of an electrical insulation, connectionsof wires both security of attachment of a rotary table and stator.The serviceability of a generating set (generator - rectifier-voltageregulator) is checked up with the help of the voltmeter of a direct currentwith a scale graduation value 0,1 In.The voltmeter is hooked up to theterminal "+" rectifier-voltage regulator and "-".On mean engine speed athooked up battery accumulative and live distant light of a head lamp thevoltage should be 13,7.14,7 V.The deviation of voltage from indicatedvalues testifies to fault of a rectifier - voltage regulator or generator.Removal of the generator from the engine to make in the following order:to disconnect wires of the generator and sensor of ignition from a rectifier -voltage regulator, switchboard, main bundle;to remove a cover of the generator with a stator to turn out four screws ofattachment of a stator and screw of a grip of attachment of wires to a cover ofthe generator, to disconnect a stator from a cover of the generator;to turn out a bolt of attachment of a rotary table, using as a puller a screwfrom adaptation for âûæèìà of an axis of a chain link (to screw it in the arborof a rotary table) to remove a rotary table.If the stator is established ground, fixed in a casing, to turn unscrew fourscrews of attachment of a stator to the basis, to remove a stator with abundle.The installation of the generator to make in return sequence.5.4.2.Accumulator batteryThe accumulator battery is the power source at an inoperative engine.Theterminal "-" battery incorporates with "-" of a motorcycle.The return hookingup of terminals is invalid, as results in mortality of electronic devices,other clusters of electric equipment and battery [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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