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.She would never begin to think anything is beyond her capabilities.She couldn’t be bothered with him, and it appealed to her maniacal ego to refer him to a Nobel Prize–winning psychiatrist who is on the faculty of Harvard Medical School.It was gratifying to inconvenience me, as she’s done many times before.She has her reasons.If nothing else, she probably knew I would fail.He isn’t treatable.” Dr.Maroni studies his wine as if there is an answer in it.“Tell me this,” Captain Poma says.“If he’s untreatable, then don’t you agree this also justifies what I’m thinking? He’s a very abnormal man who may be doing very abnormal things.He’s sent her e-mails.He may have sent her the e-mail she mentioned to you when she was admitted at McLean.”“You mean the VIP.I never said Dr.Self is at McLean.But if she were, you certainly should find out exactly why.It seems that’s what matters.I’m repeating myself like a broken record.”“He might have sent the VIP the e-mail that disturbed her enough to make her hide at your hospital.We must locate him and at least be sure he isn’t a murderer.”“I have no idea how to do that.As I said, I couldn’t begin to tell you who he is.Only that he’s an American and served in Iraq.”“What did he say was his purpose in coming to see you here in Rome? That’s a long way for an appointment.”“He was suffering from PTSD.He seems to have connections in Italy.He told a very unsettling story about a young woman he spent a day with last summer.A body discovered near Bari.You remember the case.”“The Canadian tourist?” the captain says, surprised.“Shit.”“That’s the one.Only she was unidentified at first.”“She was nude, badly mutilated.”“Not like Drew Martin, from what you’ve told me.The same thing wasn’t done to the eyes.”“She was also missing large areas of flesh.”“Yes.At first it was assumed she was a prostitute who’d been thrown from a moving car or was hit by one, thus explaining these wounds,” Dr.Maroni says.“The autopsy showed otherwise, was done very competently, even if it was performed in very primitive conditions.You know how these things go in remote areas that have no money.”“Especially if it’s a prostitute.She was autopsied in a cemetery.Had the Canadian tourist not been reported missing about this same time, she may have been buried in the cemetery, unidentified,” Captain Poma recalls.“It was determined the flesh had been removed by some type of knife or saw.”“And you aren’t going to tell me everything you know about this patient who paid cash and lied about his name?” the captain protests.“You must have notes you could share with me?”“Impossible.What he told me is no proof.”“What if he’s this killer, Paulo?”“If I had more evidence, I’d tell you.I have only his twisted tales and the uneasy feeling I got when I was contacted about the murdered prostitute who turned out to be the missing Canadian.”“You were contacted? What? For your opinion? That’s news to me.”“It was worked by the state police.Not the Carabinieri.I give my free advice to many people.In summary, this patient never came to see me again, and I couldn’t tell you where he is,” Dr.Maroni says.“Couldn’t or won’t.”“I couldn’t.”“Don’t you see how it’s possible he’s Drew Martin’s killer? He was referred to you by Dr.Self, and suddenly she hides at your hospital because of an e-mail from a madman.”“Now you’re perseverating and back to the VIP.I’ve never said Dr.Self is a patient at the hospital.But motivation for hiding is more important than the hiding place itself.”“If only I could dig with a shovel inside your head, Paulo.No telling what I’d find.”“Risotto and wine.”“If you know details that could help this investigation, I don’t agree with your secrecy,” the captain says, and then he says nothing because the waiter is heading toward them.Dr.Maroni asks to see the menu again, even though he has tried everything on it by now because he dines here often.The captain, who doesn’t want a menu, recommends the grilled Mediterranean spiny lobster, followed by salad and Italian cheeses.The male seagull returns alone.He stares through the window, ruffling his bright white feathers.Beyond are the lights of the city.The gold dome of Saint Peter’s looks like a crown [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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