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.He claimed that you had perished on the battlefield.”He squeezed her hand.“I very nearly did.”“How do you feel?”“Like I have been dragged from the depths of hell.”“Are you in pain?”“A little.”Rose knew by his tone of voice that he hurt more than a little.“You are looking better since your fever broke.”“I have your mother and Sister Agatha to thank for pulling me through.”“And Raj.If not for Raj, Mama and Sister Agatha would not be here now.Raj is a good friend to you, Dominic.”“‘Twas my good fortune the day I encountered him.Where is he? Why has he not come to see me?”“I sent him back to the palace to look after Starla.I am worried about her.She is such an innocent.I hope she steers clear of Lady Veronica.”Anger flared in Dominic’s eyes.“Did Veronica do or say something to upset you?”“I do not wish to discuss her,” Rose said.“I should leave you to your rest.”She leaned down to kiss his cheek, but at the last minute he turned his head and her kiss landed on his mouth.The kiss was short but poignant, and Rose wanted to jump with joy at the sweetness of it.For the first time since her arrival at Dragonwyck, she was sure Dragon would recover.Dominic’s recovery was slow but sure.Each day was a hurdle he had to surmount, but surmount it he did.Knowing that Rose was with him had delivered him from death’s door.A sennight after Rose had arrived, Lady Nelda and Sister Agatha came to his chamber to bid him goodbye.Dominic urged Nelda to remain, but she insisted that she was not ready yet to leave the seclusion of the convent.To show his gratitude, Dominic gave Sister287Agatha a substantial contribution for her religious order.Dominic’s wound was clear of infection now, and he was able to sit up in a chair for short periods.He was impatient to leave his chamber and eager to regain his strength through swordplay and other manly exercise.But more importantly, he wanted to make love to Rose.Dominic graduated from sitting in a chair to walking about his chamber.The first time he negotiated the winding staircase to join his vassals and Rose at the evening meal, he received a rousing ovation.That was the night he decided he was well enough to make love to Rose.“You look wonderful, Dominic,” Rose said as he settled into the seat beside her.“How do you feel?”He gave her a cheeky grin.“Ready to tackle just about anything.Ride a horse, engage in swordplay make love to my wife.”He loved the way her cheeks colored so prettily.“‘Tis too soon,” Rose replied.“Your wound…”“… is healed.I admit my strength may still be lacking, but I vow I will not disappoint you.I want you in my bed tonight.”“Is that wise, Dominic?”“Not only wise but desirable.I have been without my wife too long.”“You know what I mean.I have not shared your bed because I did not want to hurt you.”He grasped her hand, pulled it beneath the tablecloth and placed it over his rigid sex.“I am hurting now, love.My cock aches.I need you, Rose.”Rose’s color deepened as she removed her hand from his cock and concentrated on the trencher they shared.“Behave.”Dominic sighed and filled the trencher with food.His appetite had returned and he ate with gusto, periodically choosing tender morsels of meat to feed Rose.She looked charmingly flustered, and it took all Dominic’s willpower to keep from grabbing her hand and pulling her up the stairs to their bedchamber.He wished he could sweep her up into his arms but feared he lacked the strength.Soon, he thought, very soon.Dominic rose immediately following the last course and offered Rose his hand.“Cynric the bard has returned,” Rose said.“Should we not stay and hear his wondrous tales?”“There is something even more wondrous in our.bedchamber.”He strode toward the stairs, drawing Rose along with him.When they reached their bedchamber, he slammed the door behind him and regarded her through slumberous eyes.“You have suffered a great deal,” Rose said.“I do not want to hurt you.”He pulled her gently against him.“Aye, I have suffered, but not as much as I will if I cannot make love to you tonight.Kiss me, Rose.”Rose’s subtle female scent wrapped around him like a fragrant mist.She pressed her lips to his, but it was not enough.He prodded her lips with the tip of his tongue, and she opened to him.Desire spiraled through him as he savored the sweet taste of her and felt her heat.He broke off the kiss, needing her, wanting to be inside her as he began tearing off his clothing.“Help me,” he panted as he struggled to remove his tunic.His side hurt like the very devil, but a little pain was not going to stop him.Rose pulled his tunic over his head and tossed it aside.“I told you it was too soon.”“Tis not too soon, love.But I need your help undressing.”Rose stared at him as if unable to believe he intended to go through with this.“You want to make love even though it might hurt you?”“Aye, more than you know.”He sat on the bed and lifted his foot.“My shoes first, sweeting.”His dark eyes glittered like polished obsidian as Rose removed his shoes and hose.When only his braies remained, he stood and untied the string that kept them on.His braies caught on his rigid cock and held.Meeting her gaze, he shoved them down his hips.An astounding realization suddenly came to him.He was completely, utterly, hopelessly in love with his wife.That startling revelation robbed him of the ability to think or speak.“Dominic, are you all right? You look so … odd [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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