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.Ignoring him, Nick spoke to Bostock, who still hadn’t lowered his blade.“Well, Adam? What’s it to be?”Lieutenant Rathbun sent Bostock an urgent glance, his lips pulled in a tight line.A muscle ticked in Bostock’s cheek, but he sheathed his blade.Then he unstrapped the sword belt and deposited his weapon with the others that had been surrendered near the door.Nick signaled to the musicians to begin playing again.The merriment started afresh, but the dancers were in danger of neck cricks from craning to keep the group at the door in sight, just in case more sparks should fly.Music, dancing, spirits and the possibility of mayhem.The island had rarely seen such entertainment under one roof.“It seems you’re fitted with a rather tight leash yourself, Adam,” Nick said, flicking his eyes to Rathbun and back.If he goaded Bostock hard enough, he might yet receive the challenge he was angling for.“Pity.” Nick spat the word.The corners of Bostock’s mouth turned down in disgust, but before he could respond, Eve pushed around Nicholas and took Rathbun’s arm.“Lieutenant Rathbun, how lovely to see you looking fit and well after our ordeal.I assume this gentleman”—she nodded to Bostock—“is the one who came to your aid on that dreadful night of the wreck.”“Indeed, he did.” Rathbun introduced Captain Bostock all around.Bostock bowed and preened for the women he’d recently referred to as “cargo.” Nick wanted to knock him into the next world.“And the best part is Captain Bostock stands ready to assist us once again,” Lieutenant Rathbun said.“Ladies, you’ll be relieved to know I’ve arranged passage for all of us to the Carolinas on his good vessel, the Sea Wolf.Your bridegrooms will only be inconvenienced by an additional few months’ wait at most.”“Noble intentions aside, I’ll wager Lieutenant Rathbun hasn’t two coins to rub together.Did you demand the fare up front?” Nick asked his enemy.Bostock shot him a death’s-head grin.“No.As soon as I heard it might inconvenience you to remove these lovelies from your home, I agreed to payment upon delivery.” He shrugged his massive shoulders.“It was the least I could do.”Nick glared at him.“You can always be counted upon to do the least.”“But, Lieutenant Rathbun,” Miss Munroe put in.“What if we no longer want to go to the Carolinas?”“Not want to go?” The man’s mouth gaped as if he was totally flummoxed.“How could you not want to go to a prosperous and deserving bridegroom?”“After that horrible storm, I never want to set foot on a ship again,” Sally said with conviction.Eve scurried to her side.“Now dear, I’m sure you don’t mean that.It was only one storm and—”“And it was naught but a wee squall, at that,” Nick finished helpfully.“You’ve not seen a storm worthy of the name till you’ve seen your first hurricane.”Sally turned the color of parchment.“You mean there’s worse than what we went through?”“Assuredly,” Nick said.“Why, one season, the Susan Bell was driven before a storm for the better part of three days near as we could reckon it.There was no morning or night to be seen.Only wind and waves and a leaden sky.”“And us b-battened down with not a stitch of canvas flying, b-bilge pumps manned round the clock.” Higgs jumped into the fray with Nick like the excellent first officer he was.“Even seasoned crewmen were sick as babes,” Nick said.“Remember that, Higgs?”“Aye, sir.” His first mate nodded, fighting back a grin.“S-seaman Tatem was green as an oyster.”“That settles it.I won’t go.” Sally shook her head.“And Penny won’t go either, will you, dear?”Miss Smythe glided over and took Sally’s hand.“No, sir.I would prefer not to leave St.Georges.”Eve’s jaw dropped in dismay.Nick could’ve kissed the pair of them.“Shall we put the matter to a vote, Miss Upshall?” he couldn’t resist asking.“Ah! It appears we just did.Sorry to disappoint you, Rathbun.The nays have it—the ladies will not be leaving with you.”He’d figured Rathbun for a dandy, accustomed to using sweet talk to persuade and wheedle his way, but now the man’s face went hard as iron.“Miss Munroe, the decision to continue on is not open to question.We are not a democracy.We have a sovereign and the rule of law,” Lieutenant Rathbun said.“Setting aside an engagement of marriage is no light matter.There have been agreements made, moneys expended, and I needn’t remind you of certain issues best left undisturbed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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