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.”“Cyann’s still acting weird.” Monson shook his head.“I don’t know what’s going on with her.I think she may be on cloud nine with all this Diamond business.”“You really are dense, aren’t you?"“Me?” retorted Monson defensively.“What about you? I don’t see you taking any big strides.Who are you to criticize?” Monson shifted in his chair to glance towards a table on the far side of the room where Kylie was talking with some friends.Casey’s face went white.“There’s no story there! There aren’t any strides to make.We were friends.We aren’t anymore.Why do you keep bringing this up?”“You want to make up with her, I know you do.I don’t know why you just don’t call her out and speak to her about what happened.”“I think the attack on the bridge addled your brain more than you’re letting on.”Monson sighed.“You have no idea.”Casey continued, not hearing him.“I couldn’t do that anyway; there’s too much bad blood.Too much history.”“Tell you what,” said Monson, not really thinking about what he was about to say.“I’ll talk to Cyann if you’ll talk to Kylie.”The color instantly returned to Casey’s face.He was looking more uncomfortable than Monson could ever remember seeing him.“That is impossible.There is no way—”“Then be quiet about Cyann.”“Fine, but then you have to tell Artorius and me what happened to your hand and why you’ve been acting so weird since yesterday.”Monson’s eyes narrowed in disbelief.“What? Why is that part of the deal?”“Because I just made it part of the deal.Kylie and I have history.I can’t even begin to explain.I have to go through way more than you.This evens out the exchange.”Monson looked doubtful.“Besides,” continued Casey.“Artorius and I are worried about you.”Monson deflated.He had lost this argument.“You’re not going to believe me, but I’ll tell you and Artorius after you talk to Kylie.”Monson put out his hand to shake Casey’s.Casey slapped his hand and then went into the weird handshake he exchanged with Artorius, the one that culminated with them smacking their fists together.“This is our handshake—the three of us.It’s like a promise among brothers,” intoned Casey with a look so serious it was almost comical.“You break a promise on this shake, I’m going to punch you in the face.”“Between brothers, huh?” Monson went over the handshake in his mind.“You too.If you break a promise on this shake I’m going to punch you.”“Done,” said Casey with a small smile.The two boys sat lost in their thoughts.In that moment, Monson ascended to way beyond cloud nine.Brothers.He did not have any siblings and the only family he had ever known was his grandfather.So the idea of having a brother—two brothers— appealed to him a great deal.“You guys are still eating?”Monson, a full cup of juice halfway to his lips, bobbled it in surprise, causing the contents to splash all over his shirt and pants.Artorius choked on a laugh.“Oh sorry, dude.I didn’t mean to surprise you.”“Well, this is the icing on an absolutely wonderful day,” said Monson with heavy sarcasm, mopping up his shirt.“I’m going back to my room, you two.I think I’m going to go to sleep until this semester is over.”“Wait!” pleaded Artorius, sounding excited and catching Monson’s arm before he could get up.“Before you go, you gotta hear this.”Casey and Monson settled back in their seats, both saying, “What?”“I overheard some of the staff discussing what happened to the fountain.They think they know who did it.”Monson felt like someone had just kicked him in the crotch.Casey sputtered in excitement.“Really, who do they think it is? That’s it! It’s all over! He’s totally gonna get kicked out of school.”Artorius leaned in as if sharing some monstrous state secret.“Apparently a single individual was seen leaving The Barracks around the time they think it happened.They’re pretty sure it was him.”“Arthur, who is it?”Artorius put his hands to his mouth, cupping them around his lips.“Grayson Garrett.”***“I have to go.” Monson put down his fork and stood up.Artorius and Casey tried to protest.“Wait, Grey….”Monson was already out of earshot.He tried not to run.He wanted to, but he did not want to seem suspicious, so he walked as fast as he could through the double doors of the cafeteria.His mind whirled as he moved.Grayson was there.He was in the Atrium.Did he see Monson and Taris? Did he see Monson at the fountain? All very important questions.He had to find Grayson.Monson burst into a run once he hit the hall outside the double doors.He rounded one of the many corners leading to the master hall of The GM.Unfortunately, he turned the corner a little too sharply and ran headlong into Ms.Miranda Blake.Papers, bags and variety of other items scattered into different directions as Ms.Blake let out a scream that probably reached the Roman deities.Monson did not fare any better as he slammed into the stone wall.“It is just not my day.” He rubbed his head and then noticed the rumpled form of Ms.Blake slowly stand up, which triggered a stream of apologies from him.He, too, tried to stand but immediately felt dizzy, so he sat back down and closed his eyes again.“I’m so sorry,” said Monson again, eyes still closed.“I shouldn’t have been running.I can’t believe I knocked you over.”“It’s quite all right.Here, let me help you.” Monson’s lids popped back open.He made eye contact with her as he took her hand.“Ms.Blake, I think you lost one of your contact lenses.” Monson attempted to stand.Monson was not sure why, but apparently this revelation was very startling.The second that Ms.Blake realized what Monson had said, she yanked her proffered hand away and covered one of her eyes.This, consequently, caused him to fall back to the ground.“Oh, I’m sorry, Monson.”She again extended her hand.Monson ignored the hand, rising on his own.“It’s OK.Can I help you find it?”Please say no.Please say no….Monson waited for her answer.“Oh sure, that would be fine, Mr.Grey,” said Ms.Blake offhandedly.Her face abruptly went pale.“Wait, no.No, no, no, you can’t help [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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