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.'They're quite good,' she commented.'And they're playing a mixture of the old and the new.I rather think Grenville instructed them to do that - something to please his mix of guests and ages.He's a very good organizer.''And amazingly quick,' Newman remarked.'He must have been phoning up all over the place this afternoon.''Why do you say that?''Because of the late hour when he called me to invite me.I don't think I was an afterthought.''Can't imagine you'd be that with anyone - especially a woman.'Newman was cursing himself inwardly.He had nearly slipped up badly because he'd seen Grenville only that afternoon, a fact he was concealing.The trouble was, he knew, his mind was full of Vanity.Later Grenville danced a quick-step with both women in turn.Newman noted he was surprisingly agile on his feet, more like a man of forty.The party went on into the early morning hours.At 3 a.m.Newman suggested they left.Grenville was a little too cordial when he said 'goodbye' to Prendergast, a fact which Newman observed with interest.They returned to Nansidwell.Prendergast wanted to drive Paula back but she insisted that was ridiculous since Newman could take her in the Merc.1 would have thought you'd at least let me do that for you.' Prendergast said forcefully.'Well, I won't.' she told him.'We've had a lovely time.Don't spoil it.''You're the one who's spoiling it.'Newman had stood nearby, saying nothing.Paula had to work this one out for herself.He was glad he'd escorted Vanity inside his car with the windows closed against the night chill.At least she couldn't hear this conversation, which was on the verge of turning ugly."Thank you for a most pleasant evening - or early morning – Maurice.' she said firmly.'I'm going back now with Bob.Good night.'She omitted to kiss him on the cheek, walked briskly to the Merc., got inside the back, shut the door.'Good night, Maurice.' Newman said.'Have you two got something going between you?''Good night, Maurice.' Newman repeated.He walked swiftly back to the Merc.He had to get away from Maurice before he slammed him one on the jaw.On the way back there was very little conversation.Paula was seething inwardly.Vanity was sleepy after her late night.Arriving at Nansidwell, Newman found a message from Tweed waiting for him.Phone me urgently as soon as you return.In the usual way.He showed the message to Paula as soon as Vanity had gone to bed.She read it, handed it back to him.'He means call him from the phone box in Mawnan Smith.' she said.'I can do that myself now.Maybe you'd sooner get off to your room?''Like hell.I'm coming with you.I want to know what's going on.And after that absurd conversation with Maurice I'm very alert.'13Tweed was away so long after leaving to talk to Weatherby that Monica began to worry.She was relieved when he returned well after midnight.Then she saw the expression on his face.He sat down behind his desk, looking grim.'Something wrong?' she enquired.'Something is very wrong.After listening to Weatherby I think my bizarre theory as to what is going on with Moloch was right.It's horrendous.''You'd sooner not give me any details?''Not at the moment.I have to work out what to do.I suppose there haven't been any developments?''Yes, there have.I managed to get hold of our contact in Paris, Loriot.He said he'd phone me back and later he did.It's about Vanity Richmond.''Yes?''She was reported earlier to have an English father and a French mother.Loriot found out she did indeed have a French mother.Now deceased.Vanity was born in Grenoble.She's thirty-eight.Her father was an attach^ at the British Embassy in Paris.When he was moved back to Britain her French mother came with him, bringing Vanity with her, who was then ten years old.''I see.'"There's something else.Cord Dillon phoned me from Langley.Joel Brand, Moloch's so-called second-in-command, passed through San Francisco International airport.Cord's man at the airport followed him to Black Ridge.''So-called? Is that your phrase?''No, it's Dillon's.He says it's not clear which of the two men - Moloch or Brand - is running AMBECO.''Curious.Very.What is really interesting is that Brand is now back in California.Which again fits in with the theory I've built up as to what is planned.'For once the phone ran when Tweed wasn't pacing his office.Monica took the call, told Tweed it was Newman on the line.'Tweed hereHe listened while Newman gave him a terse report on the events at the Yacht Club.He mentioned Colonel Grenville's reaction to the arrival of Maurice Prendergast."Thank you.' said Tweed.'Warn everyone to be ready for instant departure from Cornwall.Play it canny.Only partly pack your cases.When I tell you to come back, you come back fast.All of you.Hope you enjoyed the party.What you've told me may be important.Goodbye.'He began making notes on a pad in his swift, strong handwriting.It took him a while to complete his list.Then he handed the pad to Monica after tearing off the sheet he'd written on.'First thing, shred that pad.I don't want Howard snooping round, finding it and tracing the impressions of what I've written.'His manner was brisk despite the late hour.Everything about him told Monica he had decided what to do.Action was about to erupt.'And the next thing?' she enquired after shredding the pad [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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