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.He waited patiently until she'd given the food order, asking also for a bottle of dry white wine and plenty of coffee.She then sat on the bed beside him.`Bob, what do we do next? I don't know.'For Nancy Kennedy it was a remarkable comment.She sounded bewildered, as though it was all happening too fast and she couldn't take it in.He put it down to her American background.Europe functioned differently, was infinitely complex.`First, as I said, I see Novak.Find out what is really happening inside the Berne Clinic.That's why we are here.I'll have to find some way of putting the pressure on him, break him down.That's Item One.Next, the following day, we meet Seidler, find out what he knows.I have a feeling it's all beginning to come together.Fast.What was it you'd omitted to tell me?'`When I was talking to Jesse at the Clinic while you occupied Novak's attention he told me they were conducting some kind of experiments.'`Experiments? You're certain he used that word?'`Quite certain.He didn't elaborate.I think he was worried Novak would hear us talking.' There was a knock on the outer door.'I think this is your food.Eat, drink and then bed.'Half an hour later they had undressed, turned out the lights and Newman knew from Nancy's shallow breathing that she was fast asleep.Exhausted by the day's events.He lay awake for a long time, trying to see a pattern to what he had learned.The weird business of the rapid incidents which Beck couldn't understand.The theft of an Army mortar.The theft of one Army rifle plus twenty-four rounds of ammo.The snowplough incident he had good reason to understand, Newman thought grimly.Then the murder — it had been murder, he was convinced — of Julius Nagy.The disappearance of Lee Foley.And Blanche had told him Foley had been in the vicinity of the Berne Clinic at the time of his visit with Nancy.So everything — excluding the Nagy killing — was happening in the Thun district.The Gold Club business which seemed to bother Beck so much.And Seidler's reference in his Geneva phone call to bringing in a consignment across an eastern border.A consignment of what? Across which border? Newman felt certain that if only he could arrange these different factors in the right sequence a pattern would emerge.He fell asleep with a disturbing thought.The photo showing Bruno Kobler, administrator of the Berne Clinic — again Thun — in conversation in front of the Taubenhalde with — Arthur Beck.SeventeenWednesday, 15 February.Lee Foley had been sitting in the cinema for an hour when he checked his watch.He had spent most of the day inside different cinemas — there are over half-a-dozen in Berne.It had been a more restful activity compared with the previous day's expedition to spy out the lie of the land round the Berne Clinic.He had used this technique before when he went under cover, when an operation reached the stage of a loaded pause.After leaving the Savoy Hotel, he had parked the Porsche at different zones.He bought food he could take away and eat while he sat inside a cinema.He slept while inside a cinema.He emerged into the outside world well after dark.Leaving the cinema, he took a roundabout route to where the car was parked.Satisfied that no one was following him, he headed straight for the Porsche.He approached the car with caution to be certain no one was watching it.He strolled past it along the deserted arcade, then swung on his heel, the ignition key in his hand.In less than thirty seconds he was behind the wheel, had started the engine and was driving away.Tommy Mason had finished writing his report for Tweed which included details of his brief trips to Zurich by train.He was stiff from sitting in one position in his bedroom for so long and he wanted to think.Mason thought best while he was walking and wanted to ease the stiffness out of his limbs before he went to bed.He walked out of the main entrance to the Bellevue Palace.At that time of night the huge hall and the reception area beyond — the area which within days would be used for the Medical Congress reception — were empty.The night concierge looked up from behind his counter, nodded to Mason and went back to checking his schedule for early morning calls.Mason, protected against the freezing cold of the night with his British warm, woollen scarf and a slouch hat, made his way down to the river.He had taken the same walk the night before.It crossed his mind he was breaking a cardinal rule [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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