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.I had been eating my breakfast in the evening for so long that it seemed all wrong to be eating poached eggs at seven a.m.But it was a pleasant meal.Already, the news of Joanna’s return, and my part in it, had spread like wildfire, and the others were more than friendly - they nearly fell over themselves in their attempt to show me that I was no longer beyond the pale.As I sat at the theatre staff table, surrounded by friendly faces, I felt warm and happy.I honestly hadn’t realized how much I cared about the goodwill of other people.Being back in the fold seemed to highlight the lonely unwanted feeling of the day before.“Matron was right,” I told myself, as I listened to the cheerful talk all round me.“I’ve been far too wrapped up in myself for far too long.It’s time I came out a bit.” And I buttered another piece of toast with relish.As I left the dining room on my way to the theatre to report for duty I was stopped by Home Sister, who had been supervising breakfast.“Matron wants to see you in her office, Nurse Gardner,” she said.“Hurry along, will you? She’s there now.”“So early?” I said, surprised.“Matron doesn’t come on duty until eight-thirty as a rule.”Home Sister sniffed.“I don’t see why you should think you have any right to ask, Nurse,” she said sharply, but her eyes twinkled a little.“As it happens, she went to the Sick Bay early to see young Jennings.Does that satisfy you?”“Yes, thank you, Sister,” I said meekly, and escaped down the stairs to tap on the office door.Matron greeted me with a warm smile.“Are you happy to be on day duty, Nurse?” she asked.“Yes, thank you, Matron,” I said, and smiled back.“It was rather foolish of you to go out as you did last night, Nurse,” Matron said.“But I must say I am very pleased your journey was so successful.But I’m a little puzzled - how did you know where to find Nurse Jennings?”I told her how Chick and I had worked out where to look, and she laughed when I’d finished.“Dear me,” she said.“I have been harbouring a detective, it seems! I must confess I would never have thought of looking for someone lost in London like that!”I blushed a little, then I said impulsively, “Please, Matron, How is Nurse Jennings this morning? Will she - are you - ?” I stopped suddenly.I had nearly asked whether Matron would sack her, a piece of impertinence that would have deserved a blistering reproof, I knew.“She is tired, and still rather disturbed, Nurse,” Matron tactfully ignored my confusion.“No doubt you are wondering what is to happen to her?”“Well - yes, I am, Matron.I feel rather - responsible, you see.”She looked up at me, her face friendly.“I am very glad to hear that, Nurse,” she said.“Now, while it has never been a policy of mine to discuss one nurse’s affairs with another, perhaps under the circumstances I can relax my rule.And since I would not like a flood of uninformed gossip to run over the hospital, you need not keep what I tell you from your colleagues.”She leaned back in her chair, and her voice became businesslike.“I have already discussed this with Nurse Jennings this morning.I guessed she would waken early, and be anxious to see me, so I went to Sick Bay this morning.She will not be dismissed from the Royal - “I breathed a sigh of relief.“ - but at the same time, I cannot permit her to continue working here after an attempt to cheat at an examination.That would be a very poor example to junior nurses.I have decided, therefore, that she should go to our country convalescent home to complete her three years of training.She will not, of course, be allowed to complete her hospital examinations, which means she will not be awarded a hospital certificate.But that does not mean that she will lose the opportunity to sit for the State examinations.Working in the quieter atmosphere of the convalescent home, I hope she will be able to study for those examinations to better effect.”“Then she can still get the job at the school she wants her brother to go to?”“I gather that the school normally demands a hospital certificate from its nurses, as well as the State qualification,” Matron said, smiling reassuringly when my face fell.“However, I am, fortunately, in the position to give her the sort of personal reference that will persuade the school to waive this rule in her case.I have been able to promise Nurse Jennings that I will do that, if she manages to pass the State examinations.She is a good, kind girl, and working with disabled chidren will bring out the best in her, I am sure.So although she may not be able to make much progress in a hospital career without her hospital certificate, that will not matter to her.She only wants to work with these children - which is excellent.Far too few nurses are willing to do this work, and I am delighted to be able to encourage a girl who does.”“I’m awfully glad, Matron,” I said.“It would have been dreadful to feel I’d been the cause of spoiling things for Jo - Nurse Jennings.Thank you.”“Very well, Nurse [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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