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.He’s a swivel-eyed nutter.★★ I step into the shower and dial it all the way up to Niagara.I’m supposed to report to Angleton while letting Griffin think he’s in my chain of command: What should this tell me about the home game Angleton’s playing here? I shake my head.I’m not up to playing Laundry politics right now.I focus on showering, then get out and dry myself.★★One question deserves another.Why did you get me out of bed?★★★★Because I wanted to fuck with your head, not Griffin’s.★★ She sends me a visual of herself pouting, which is a bloody distracting thing to see in the mirror when you’re trying to shave.★★I got news from my ops desk that Billington flew in a few hours ago.He’s probably going to visit his casino before—★★★★His casino?★★★★Yeah.Didn’t you know? He owns this place.★★★★Oh.So—★★★★He’s downstairs right now.★★ I flinch, and discover the hard way that it is indeed possible to cut yourself on an electric razor if you try hard enough.I finish off hurriedly and open the door.Ramona thrusts a bulky carrier bag at me.“Put this on.”“Where did you get this?” I pull out a tuxedo jacket, neatly folded; there’s more stuff below it.“It was waiting for you at the front desk.” She smiles tightly.“You have to look the part if we’re going to carry this off.”“Shit.” I duck back into the bathroom and try to figure out what goes where.The trousers have odd fasteners in strange places and I’ve got no idea what to do with the red silk scarf-like thing; but at least they cheated on the bow tie.When I open the door Ramona is sitting in the chair by the bed, carefully reloading cartridges into the magazine of an extremely compact automatic pistol.She looks at me and frowns.“That’s supposed to go around your waist,” she says.“I’ve never worn one of these before.”“It shows.Let me.” She makes the gun vanish then comes over and adjusts my appearance.After a minute she steps back and looks at me critically.“Okay, that’ll do for now.In a dim light, after a couple of cocktails.Try not to hunch up like that, it makes you look like you need to sue your orthopedic surgeon.”“Sorry, it’s the shoes.That, and you managed to land a critical hit on my geek purity score.Are you sure I can’t just wear a tee shirt and jeans?”“No, you can’t.” She grins at me unexpectedly.“Monkey-boy isn’t comfortable in a monkey suit? Consider yourself lucky you don’t have to deal with underwire bras.”“If you say so.” I yawn, then before my hindbrain can start issuing shutdown commands again I go over to my briefcase and start gathering up the necessaries Boris issued to me: a Tag Heuer wristwatch with all sorts of strange dials (at least one of which measures thaumic entropy levels—I’m not sure what the buttons do), a set of car keys with a fob concealing a teensy GPS tracker, a bulky old-fashioned cell phone.“Hey, there’s something fishy about this phone! Isn’t it—” I pick it up “—a bit heavy?”I suddenly realize that Ramona is standing behind me.“Switch it off!” she hisses.“The power switch is the safety catch.”“Okay already! I’m switching it off!” I put it in my inside pocket and she relaxes.“Boris didn’t say anything about—what does it do?” Then the penny drops.“Holy fuck.”“That’s what you’d get if you switched it on, pointed it at the pope, and dialed 1-4-7-star,” she agrees.“It takes nine millimeter ammunition.Are you okay with that?” She raises one perfectly sketched eyebrow at me.“No!” I’m not used to firearms, they make me nervous; I’m much happier with a PDA loaded with Laundry CAT-A countermeasure invocations and a fully charged Hand of Glory.Still, nothing wakes me up quite like nearly shooting someone by accident.I fidget with the new tablet PC that Brains provisioned for me, plugging it in and setting it for counter-intrusion duty.“Shall we go drop in on Billington?”I’M NOT MUCH OF A BEACH BUNNY.I’M NOT A culture vulture or a clothes horse either.Opera leaves me cold, clubbing is something bad guys do to baby seals, and I’m no more inclined to work the slots than I am to stand in the middle of a railway station ripping up twenty-pound notes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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