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.”“I shall take the matter under consideration,” she said in the grand manner, then spoiled the effect by adding, “but I'll be da.bothered if I ever forgive Harriet or Lord Litton!”The music started then.With her warm little hand in his and his arm about her supple waist, he swung her into the waltz in a swirl of scarlet and gold.There were few couples on the floor and he knew everyone was watching, probably wondering why the belle of the ball was in the arms of so shabby a fellow.He didn't care.It was worth every subterfuge.“Thank you for bringing me the syllabub,” she said, sounding oddly shy.“I was about to go and help myself.”“I was surprised you hadn't already done so.”“I didn't make loud comments about how insipid Sophia's dress looked, either.That was an even greater temptation, but I wouldn't lower myself to her level.And I didn't want all those strangers to blame Mrs.Cooper for my behavior when she was so kind as to relieve Mrs.Forbes of the onerous duty of chaperoning me.”“I daresay you're a sad trial to Mrs.Forbes, Princess.She's a trifle old-fashioned in her notions, I expect.”“She certainly is.” Mimi was restored to her usual cheerfulness.“Just think, she disapproves of the waltz.”“Then we can agree in disagreeing with her, can we not?”“Oh yes!”Simon pulled her closer to him, perhaps an inch or two closer than strict propriety allowed, and whirled her about the room.Chapter 14The full moon shining in through the carriage window revealed Lady Thompson slumbering cherubically in one corner.On the opposite seat her two nephews lounged, both wide awake despite the lateness of the hour.“How Lady Elizabeth would sneer at such a country assembly,” observed Gerald.“Who?” asked Simon, abstracted.“Lady Elizabeth Venables, only daughter of the Earl of Prestwitton, and Toast of the Ton.” There was laughter in Gerald's voice.“You remember her?”“Oh yes.Sophia Marbury reminds me of her a bit.”“Sophia Marbury!” His lordship's yelp made his aunt stir and mutter a protest.He lowered his voice.“Good gad, how can you possibly equate the two?”“Both are cold-hearted, self-interested females, and I'm quite sure Miss Marbury would sneer at a country assembly if it weren't the best she can aspire to.”“I daresay she would.”“But you don't, coz? You the jaded exquisite, you the frequenter of the salons and ballrooms and clubs of the politest of the Polite World?”“You wax unwonted eloquent, coz.No, I would not sneer.I confess to having suffered a certain tedium at times, but that is equally true of town entertainments.And there were compensations.”“I'd wager you mean my contest with Mimi,” said Simon resignedly.“That among other things, yes.”“I'm glad to have provided some amusement.”“She was quite the most striking young lady present, well worth your efforts.Did she resign herself to losing?”“Oh yes, we parted friends.” Simon fell silent, reliving the waltz.Mimi had accepted defeat gracefully, without resentment, as she had when he invited himself to dinner.She had seated him beside her then, and tonight she had moved feather-light in his arms, her dark eyes dreamy.What had she been dreaming of?He had gained the dance and the dinner by subterfuge—paying her back in her own coin, he thought, smiling—but he wanted the kiss she still owed to be honestly won.And he wanted her to give it before she discovered that he was really the Earl of Derwent, heir to the Marquis of Stokesbury.He wanted the princess to kiss the frog, and he was not at all sure that she ever would.For all her odd ways, Mimi was not one to bestow her favors freely.* * * *“But I still owe him a kiss!” Mimi wailed.“A kiss!” said Harriet, dropping her sewing in her shock.“You never promised him a kiss!”“I wasn't thinking.I wanted my bracelet back, and I thought he was a stranger just passing through.I never thought he'd claim it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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