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.“Nothing that rest will not cure.Dr.Bidwell tells us that Captain Cartwright merely overstrained weak muscles running for help.”Anne flushed at the pointed use of Bernard’s rank and surname.“I shall tell you all about it.” Chris came to her rescue, taking her arm and leading her from the room.He delivered her to the rose bedchamber, where he was firmly denied entrance by Mrs.Diggory.Disconsolate, he wandered back to Bernard’s room and told him of Anne’s arrival and faux pas.“What a dear she is,” the captain murmured drowsily.The doctor had left a sleeping draught to ease his pain.Chris went down to the drawing room and drove Lady Farleigh to distraction with his pacing.It was there that Mrs.Diggory found him an hour or so later.A motherly woman quite unlike her imposing husband and imperious mistress, the housekeeper had had little to do with her new master.She was astonished when he approached her eagerly and seized both her hands.“How is she?”“Miss Caxton’s still out to the world, my lord.” She tried to curtsy and he released her.“Her forrid’s a bit hot, but she’s lying peaceful enough.Miss Anne wants to sit up with her.Will that be all right, my lady?”“I daresay, but see that a maid stays with them.” She sounded querulous.“Christopher, help me up the stair, I shall retire now.All these alarums and excursions are too much for me at my age.”Chris decided he might as well go to bed, too.Perhaps in the morning he might be allowed to see Rowena.The old habit of sleeping lightly lest Bernard should call out came back to him.He half-roused several times, heard nothing and went back to sleep.Then came a muffled cry that brought him instantly to full alertness.He flung his dressing gown on over his nightshirt and hurried into the hallway, tying the girdle as he went.There it was again, clearer now, from the rose bedchamber.Without ceremony he opened the door and went in.By the flickering light of the fire and a pair of candles on the mantel, he saw Rowena tossing restlessly on the bed.Her eyes were open but unfocussed.Anne bent over her, trying to calm her.She looked up as he strode to her side.“I cannot keep her still, let alone give her the doctor’s draught.”“Where is the maid Lady Farleigh bade stay with you?”Anne waved at a dark corner.“She is so sound asleep that Rowena’s cries did not disturb her, and I did not dare leave Rowena to go and shake her.”The cry came again.“Pinkie, my head hurts so.Pinkie? Don’t go away again.”Chris sat on the edge of the bed, put his arm round Rowena’s shoulders and captured her agitated hands in his.“Rowena, be still and take your medicine.”She froze, then her eyes cleared a little and she mumbled, “Yes, Major.”Anne hastened to raise the cup to her lips and she obediently swallowed.Then she let Chris ease her down on the pillows and Anne pulled up the coverlet and tucked her in firmly.“Will you stay with me, Pinkie?” Her eyes were closing already.“I shall stay,” Anne promised.“And I,” Chris added softly.They sat in silence until her even breathing told them she was asleep, then he said in a low voice, “Who is Pinkie?”“Her cousin, Miss Pinkerton.Rowena keeps calling for her.”“Would she come, do you think, if I sent my carriage to fetch her?”Anne stared at him.“Would you do that? I expect she will for they are very fond of each other, and she is not happy where she is, I collect.It always troubled Rowena that she could do nothing for her.”“You do not know her direction, I suppose.”“I have often seen Rowena’s letters to her lying on the hall table.” A moment’s thought produced an address in Islington.“I’ll send Potter first thing in the morning.Bernard was right when he said that your intellect is superb.” He was teasing, for remembering an address was hardly a test of intellect.“He said that?” The dim light could not hide her pink cheeks and the way her eyes sparkled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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