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.At this stage Maria Isa screams ‘Listen to your father’ and other commands in her native Brazilian and pins her to the ground.Obviously seeing the knife, Tina begins to plead for her life, promising them that she won’t go to work again – but her father begins to stab her as her mother holds her down.Tina keeps screaming and begging him to stop but he shouts ‘Die quickly daughter, die’ and continues to plunge the knife into her.Her mother also shouts at her and keeps her arms down so that she can’t defend herself.The tape was so harrowing that the first Brazilian translator was in floods of tears.The court was similarly moved when they heard it.Both Isas were given the death penalty but Zein Isa died of diabetes-related complications in prison before his death sentence could be carried out.Maria Isa appealed against her death sentence and for some reason the judiciary commuted it to life imprisonment.But imagine if the scenario had been slightly different.Imagine if the day before her father stabbed her, he’d lashed out at Tina as he had many times before and she’d picked up a kitchen knife and stabbed him.The police, the courts and the media would then have painted her as a heartless psychopath who, for example, wanted to spend more time with her boyfriend so killed a good religious man.Sadly, most scenarios aren’t on tape.Sadly, society ignores the fact that most violence starts with the parents.Relatives, neighbours, teachers and social workers turn away from the abused child and minimise the hell he or she is going through.And when he kills as a response to his environment, he’ll find he has even fewer members of the public on his side.19 Alone Again, NaturallyChildren Who Kill Again As AdultsChild killers who are removed from a dysfunctional environment and placed in a loving one can mature into sensitive adults.Mary Bell is an excellent example of this healing process.But children who aren’t given sufficient care – or older teenagers who are too brutalised to respond to treatment – may kill again in adulthood.Edmund Emil KemperAn example of an abused child who killed and was then returned to his abusive home is Ed Kemper of California, born 18th December 1948.His parents’ marriage was an unstable one and little Ed was emotionally starved and neglected.His father deserted the family when Ed was nine but his life was still made hell by his mother who became an alcoholic after the divorce.At ten he showed some sexual interest in one of his older sisters and his mother banished him to the shadowy basement to sleep from then on.Soon, like many abused children, he had turned his rage onto cats and tortured several of them to death.The animals had no chance as by now he was over six foot tall.(His father was six-foot-eight.)Ed was so lonely that when he was fourteen he tracked down his father and asked to live with him.But the man had remarried and produced another son and there was no place for Ed in the new family unit.Instead, he was shunted off to his father’s parents’ remote Californian farm.Unfortunately his grandmother had a very similar personality to his domineering mother so his life remained one of being ridiculed and ordered about.At age fifteen he snapped and shot his grandmother in the back of the head as she sat at the kitchen table.He also stabbed her three times in the back.When she was dead, he took the gun and hid in the yard, waiting for his grandfather to return from a shopping trip.When he did, Ed also fatally shot him through the head.The fifteen-year-old spent the next few years in a mental hospital where they found that he had a very high IQ.Taken away from a life of verbal cruelty and rejection, he proved to be a gentle giant.In 1969 he turned twenty-one and was released.Incredibly, the release was into his emotionally-destructive mother’s custody.This was despite the objections of two state psychiatrists who knew that she’d ridiculed him constantly.Soon life returned to the endless mocking that it had consisted of before – and soon Ed returned to murder as a way of assuaging his rage.This time his first six victims were student hitchhikers who he offered lifts to.He shot them, stabbed them, suffocated them, mutilated their corpses and had necrophiliac sex with various body parts.Some of these 1971 and 1972 murders occurred after vicious quarrels with his mother and were substitutes for the real target of his rage.But in the spring of 1973, he at last turned his violence upon the person he really hated.He crept into his mother’s bedroom as she slept and battered her about the head with a hammer.He also cut out her larynx – the voice box that had nagged him so relentlessly – and put it down the waste disposal unit and in a final literal ‘fuck you’ had intercourse with her corpse.He also cut off her head and threw darts at it and went to sleep with the corpse in the house.Ed Kemper had also hated his mother’s best friend so when she called around the following day he choked her and cut off her head.He then drove around for three days, briefly free of his demons, before phoning the police and turning himself in.But his childhood horrors returned to haunt him and he twice cut his wrists whilst awaiting trial.Somewhat surprisingly, his life sentence allowed for the possibility of parole, though he has so far been turned down for this numerous times.Since 1987 Ed Kemper has been making tape recordings of books for the blind.He still has a macabre sense of humour, telling a visiting FBI agent that he could break the man’s neck before help could be summoned.It was true, but he made no attempt to carry out any attack.He remains intelligent and well spoken.Clearly, if he’d been taken from his mother much earlier he could have offered much to the world.But that very intelligence and smoothness of manner may still conceal a murderous rage towards women – after all, his mild manner was the second last thing that his student victims saw.David Wynne RobertsIn 1969, when David Wynne Roberts was fourteen, he called on one of his mother’s seventy-three-year-old friends in Anglesey, Wales.He knew that she was a wealthy widow and he’d decided to steal her cash [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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