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.He set her down on her feet beside the tub, which her maid had ready and waiting, filled with hot water.Benedict waved Millie out of the room and helped Camilla out of her wet, clinging clothes himself.She stepped into the tub, letting out a soft moan as she sank down into the blissfully warm water.Benedict quickly removed his own clothing and climbed into the tub behind her.She did not question his presence.She merely leaned forward to make room for him, then lay back against his chest.He wrapped his arms around her from behind and rested his cheek upon her head.They sat like that for a long time, cocooned together and wrapped in the warmth of the water.“I thought I was going to lose you,” Benedict murmured.Camilla made a small sound of agreement.“It scared the hell out of me,” he went on.He pressed his lips into her hair.“You know what I kept thinking? That I was going to die and I hadn’t even made love to you.I realized what a damn fool I had been.”His lips moved down the side of her head, and he kissed her ear.Gently he took the lobe between his lips and nibbled at it, sending little shivers running through Camilla.She felt tired and dreamy, yet suddenly alive and sizzling, as well.“I don’t intend to make that mistake again,” he said huskily, kissing his way down her neck.He slid his hands down her water-slick arms and back up.He caressed her shoulders and back, and spread his palms out across her chest, just below her collarbone.Her skin felt like satin beneath his fingertips.His hands slid down, curving over her full breasts.Benedict mumbled something, but his words were muffled against Camilla’s skin, and she could not understand what he said.It didn’t matter, though.She was lost in a world of sensation, floating hazily in the pure pleasure that his hands and lips produced in her.His fingers circled her nipples, making them tight and engorged.A low throb started between her legs, aching and persistent.She thought of the cataclysmic pleasure he had given her the night before, and her breath caught in her throat.He cupped her breasts, seeming to weigh them in his hands, and gently squeezed them.Then his hands moved down over the flat plane of her stomach and finally delved between her legs.He caressed her thighs and hips and abdomen, returning again and again to the pulsing core between her legs.Camilla’s breath turned ragged, and she melted back against him, luxuriating in the touch of his knowledgeable fingers.When she thought that she must explode as she had the other night, his hands, surprisingly, left her.He took her arm and turned her toward him.She instinctively realized what he wanted, and she turned fully facing him, reaching up to kiss him.Their lips met and clung, for a moment gently, then with increasing heat.Their tongues clashed and twined, stoking the fires of their passion.The air was cool on their damp bodies, exposed above the water, but they did not notice it for the heat raging through them.They kissed hungrily, over and over again, straining together.His arms were wrapped around her so tightly she could scarcely breathe, and yet it did not feel close enough.Camilla wanted more.The throbbing between her legs was engulfing her.She wanted to wrap her legs around him; she wanted to feel him inside her.A whimper of pure longing broke from her throat.Benedict surged to his feet, as if galvanized by the sound, and pulled her up with him.He stepped from the tub and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around Camilla.Camilla’s eyes slid down his body, taking in every long, muscled inch of him.He was so powerfully male that it was almost frightening.His manhood thrust from his body, huge and ready, throbbing with desire, and even as she thought that he was far too large, that he could never fit, desire blossomed between her legs, leaving her eager to feel him there.He lifted her from the tub and set her down on the rug in front of the fire, busying himself with drying her off and, with each movement of his hands, arousing her desire further.“Benedict…” she whispered, her hands going out to his chest.“What?” He went still, his voice hoarse.She did not answer except with her fingers, sliding them down over his chest, still slick with water.He stood quiescent beneath her touch, only twitching now and then or sucking in a sharp breath when she touched some particularly responsive spot.Even though his skin was still wet, he did not feel the cold [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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