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.But then… hmm.Most people seem to believe that cock-and-bull story about the intruders.So would the hospital release him to his father? Maybe I could say that it’s obviously not safe for him there, and he needs outpatient care anyway, so he should come with us.I’ll have to choose my words carefully.Again, my search for the perfect words.They will be mine one day.Those words.My search will never end until I possess them.Need to give them to him.73 Days, 16 December, TuesdayFor most of today, I sat silently in class, numbly taking in the surroundings.A couple of the nicer girls in class asked me where Noah was, which was kind of odd.“He’s in the hospital.” I replied, figuring they’d probably say he deserved it or something.“Oh no!” The brunette one, Julia, exclaimed, “What happened? Is he okay?”This was not a reaction I was anticipating.“Er… he-”“It was a break-in, I heard.” The other one cut in, I think her name is Ariel, “And he tried to stop them from hurting his sister! He’s so brave!”“Really?” Julia seemed impressed, and then turned to me, “You see him a lot, right? Can you send him our best wishes? We want him to get better!”“Ah- yeah.Yeah, I can do that.” I smiled at them, in spite of the rushing thoughts meandering through my mind.“Great! Let us know how he is tomorrow, okay?”“Y-yeah…”It was a weird occurrence.I’m happy about it, don’t get me wrong, but the idea of people actually being worried about him, caring for him, was extraordinary.I’m conflicted about this lie/story now more than ever.Is it better for him to be considered a hero, protecting his home and family, someone to be admired…Or is it better for the real truth to come out? To have people know about the years of abuse and pain he’s endured, along with the stigma of being alienated by his curse…Can’t decide which is the better option.To offer a lie of omission and finally be accepted by people, or to tell the truth and risk being a (freak, curse, taboo)?People would say he’s lying.His father is too influential.Noah’s word against his father’s would be something akin to trying to cut a tree down with a feather.But…What if people’s opinions have changed enough because of the lie that they’ll finally believe the truth?It seems like backwards thinking, but maybe…Can wish if I want to.Noah seemed more… well today.He was alert, and seemed much less sad.He still looked disdainfully at the new bandages covering his arms, and regularly picked at the ones on his face, but made no mention of them.“So…” I began, noticing he turned his attention from the picture of a vase to me.“A couple girls from the school wanted to send their best wishes for you to get better soon.You know, Julia and Ariel, those two girls from Math.”Blankly, he surveyed me, and I looked right back at him, at a loss for anything else to say.“They… they weren’t lying, were they?”“No, I don’t reckon so.They seemed pretty genuine.They believed that story about the intruders in your house though.”“And you don’t believe it, I take it?”“Well, no.I think your father just made it up.”“I don’t know the man who attacked me though.”“What do you remember from it?”“Mostly the fear.” He looked pointedly out the window, avoiding my gaze.“It was night, I remember the windows were all dark, and there were candles lit.As soon as I entered my home the attack started.I ran away, stairs… I remember the man’s face in my mind… but not who he was.He told me-” He cinched his eyebrows together, “-that I was a freak, a defect… and that I-” he swallowed, his one visible cheek burning pink, “-I was going back to that place.”“What place?”Silence.He didn’t talk again for the rest of the evening.He did give me a hug goodbye though, and I saw him cover his face with his hand as I closed the door.There’s something he’s not telling me.About ‘that place.’72 Days, 17 December, WednesdayJulia and Ariel did come and see me today, just like they said they would.Ariel presented me with a card and a small box of chocolates, chirping out a friendly “Happy Christmas!”I smiled, then thought it would be polite to address them by their names, so I did so, still smiling broadly at them.It’s a good feeling to know that people are interested in his health, and aren’t afraid to think of him a curse.Also, it’s rather nice to know that people will actually talk to me too.Since I was Noah’s friend, guess I was included in the general consensus that ‘Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.”Sort of a reference there.Haha [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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