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.He chased an elusive thought through the alcoves of his mind, looked away.Rolling to a bookcase, he scanned titles: Journal of Holistic Medicine.the Einsteinian Phenomenon.Another section contained religious books.Other sections were devoted to political, economic and historic readings.He ran inquisitive fingers over the volume covers, glanced briefly through a volume entitled Chairman Mao: His Life and Times.After replacing this volume, Master Edward was about to remove another book when his concentration was shattered by a piercing woman’s scream: “Willard!” The voice seemed to come from somewhere near the fireplace, behind Master Edward and to the left.But he saw no one.“What the hell?” Master Edward cursed.“Willard!” the voice screeched, a little louder this time.“Who is that?” Master Edward asked, looking at the tuxedo meckie.“Your wife, of course, Master,” the mechanical servant responded, pointing at the picture over the fireplace.“On a simu-life projector.”Master Edward’s eyes opened wide as he focused on the painting, because the three-dimensional woman in the picture was glaring directly at him with her hands on her hips.“Willard!” she howled, revealing a very large mouth.“Answer me!”“What do I do now?” Master Edward inquired of the meckie.“Answer her, Master.You always say, ‘Coming dear.’”“Oh yes.It slipped my mind.” Master Edward looked at the scowling woman.She seemed ready to leap out of the picture.“Coming dear!” he yelled.Lowering his voice, he looked at the meckie and asked, “Now what?”“Nothing, Master.The simu-life projector yells at you during the day to keep your spirits up.”“Oh.”The miniature woman seemed placated now, as she tuned her attention to a steaming pot of food on the range.As Master Edward continued to stare at the picture, the moving, lifelike portions stiffened subtly, and once again it appeared to be an ordinary three-dimensional painting.“I do not know how that slipped my mind,” Master Edward said, wondering why he needed to explain to a meckie.“Too much going on, I suppose.” Delving into his knowledge of Uncle Rosy’s past, he added: “Jennifer was killed in a rollercoaster accident more than three centuries ago.along with my children.”“Yes, Master.At Glitterland.They are in the Happy Shopping Ground now.”Uncle Rosy must have been terribly lonely, Master Edward thought.No one with whom to share his troubles.Resuming his interest in the books, Master Edward reached for a weathered brown volume entitled Laboratory Experiments of W.R.Rosenbloom, 2261-2266.He blew dust from the top of the volume, opened it slowly.The book smelled of must.Its pages were yellow-edged and cracking.Turning the pages carefully, he noticed each sheet was ruled in light green lines, with headings along the top and spaces below where Uncle Rosy had entered dates, techniques and comments concerning each experiment.He scanned the opening pages.All concerned a technique referred to as “S.M.E.”I recall those initials, Master Edward thought.Selective Memory Erasure.Uncle Rosy used it on anyone who helped build or design the Black Box of Democracy.He read on, saw human subjects listed by consumer identification number on the pages, with a medical malady designated next to each.He located a guide in the back of the volume which connected names and numbers.Where did he get all the volunteers? Master Edward wondered.Then he saw a penciled notation next to one name which read, “Returned to t-orbiter.Uncooperative.” Several other names had notes which said, “Dec.Brain in jar 506” or “Dec.Brain in jar 712.” Master Edward shuddered as he realized that “t-orbiter” referred to “therapy orbiter,” and “Dec.” meant “deceased.”These were NOT volunteers! he thought.The middle section of the volume outlined a series of “placebo effect” experiments.Master Edward read that subjects given sugar pills were told these were “new cures” for their maladies.Locating a page outlining the results, he read aloud: ‘The higher the suggestive force used by the controller, the more likely it was that a placebo would work.Subjects having the greatest faith in the placebo responded most favorably to treatment.”Faith, Master Edward thought Keep the Faith.Flipping through a number of experiments describing mentation for the purpose of operating consumer products, he found an entry near the end of the volume dated December 2, 2266: “I embarked upon these brain experiments with the intent of improving economic conditions through control of each consumer’s buying impulses.This remains a valid concept, and I intend to leave copies of key experimental data where it can be utilized by future generations.I feel there is much more to discover concerning the brain, but I am somewhat fearful of proceeding.”Master Edward looked away from the book, gazed across the room at the painting over the fireplace.The three-dimensional woman was in motion again, and four children sat at the kitchen table eating cookies and drinking milk.Faith, Master Edward thought again, unsure of the reason for the returning thought.Keep the Faith.He replaced the book on the shelf, turned forcefully to face the tuxedo meckie.“Tell me the secret of eternal youth,” Master Edward demanded.“Look to the holy water, Master.Then look within yourself.You have always said this.”“Elaborate.”“I cannot, Master,” the meckie replied, raising its arms in helplessness.“That is all you have told me.” The meckie’s white button lights blinked.Curiously, it seemed nervous.As Master Edward glared at the faceless mechanical servant, he felt a strong impulse to knock it over.“What is the source of our holy water?” he snapped.The tuxedo meckie turned toward the raised panel door.The door slid open.“There is the source,” the meckie replied.“Beyond the one-way glassite.”Master Edward moto-shoed to the open doorway, peered through it into a darkened room.He mentoed for light.Overhead fluorescent panels flickered on, flooding the room with harsh white light.A paper-littered desk stood to one side next to an electronic mail terminal.The opposite wall was clear one-way glassite, looking out upon a freestanding wall which contained instrument dials.He rolled quickly to the glassite window, peered through it at the dials.There were six dials in all, each connected to an upside-down U-shaped Hack pipe which rose from and reentered the floor on the other side of the glassite.Master Edward saw something written on each dial, squinted to make out the words.He mouthed them slowly as they became clear.“New City.Water District.Number one-oh-four.”He pulled his head back in surprise, said, “What the Hooverville? New City Water District? THAT is the source of our holy elixir? Ordinary tap water?”Feeling shaky, Master Edward rolled the short distance to the desk and picked up a piece of electronic mail Printed on blue-bordered computer paper, he saw:NEW CITY WATER DISTRICT NO.104 PAST DUE ACCOUNT—NOTICE OF SERVICE TERMINATION BLACK BOX OF DEMOCRACY ACCT.# 18DR-17654499Q BALANCE DUE: $26,312.15DEAR CUSTOMER:THIS ACCOUNT IS SERIOUSLY PAST DUE.AND IT IS APPARENT THAT YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO IGNORE OUR CORDIAL REMINDERS.IF THE BALANCE IS NOT PAID BY AUGUST 31, 2605.YOUR WATER SERVICE WILL BE DISCONNECTED.SINCERELY,J.D.LAIRDCOLLECTION DEPARTMENTMaster Edward rolled out of the room in a state of shock, letting the slip of paper fall from his grasp as he passed beyond the doorway.The secret was within my mind all the time! he thought.But now that I know.“Shall I pay this bill now, Master?” the tuxedo meckie asked, retrieving the paper.“Tomorrow is the thirty-first.”“What? Oh, yes.Go ahead and pay it.”The meckie rolled into the room with the slip of paper in its grasp [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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