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.Faced with such a difficult situation, Edrik commanded that his tank be delivered to the giant ages-old enclosure that held the Oracle of Time whenever she chose to manifest in this physical universe.Intimidated in her presence, Edrik had spent a great deal of time planning his argument and marshaling his thoughts, knowing all the while it might be a pointless exercise.With prescience far superior and more expansive than any Navigator’s, the Oracle must already have foreseen this encounter and imagined every word Edrik would speak.Humbled, he looked out through his curved tank at the Oracle’s translucent structure.Long ago, arcane symbols had been etched into the walls—coordinates, hypnotic designs, ancient runes, mysterious markings that only the Oracle comprehended.Her enclosure reminded him of a miniature cathedral, and Edrik felt like her supplicant.“Oracle of Time, we face our greatest emergency since the time of the Tyrant.Your Navigators are starving for spice, and our own Administrators plot against us.” He shuddered with the strength of his anger.The foolish lesser Guildsmen believed they could solve the problem by creating better Ixian navigation machines! Inferior copies.The Guild needed spice, not artificial mathematical compilers.“I beseech you, show us our path to survival.”He sensed an enormous thunderstorm of thoughts, the incredibly complex preoccupation of the churning mind hidden within the swirling mists.When the Oracle answered, Edrik felt that she was granting him only the tiniest fraction of her attention while her brain was focused elsewhere on much larger issues.“There is always an insatiable hunger for spice.It is a small problem.”“A small problem?” Edrik said, incredulous.All of his arguments were washed away.“Our stockpiles are nearly exhausted, and the New Sisterhood doles out only a tiny fraction of what we need.Navigators could become extinct.What could be a more vital problem?”“Kralizec.I will call all my Navigators again when I require them.”“But how can we assist you if we have no melange? How can we survive?”“You will find another way to obtain spice—this I have foreseen.A forgotten way.But you must discover it yourself.”The sudden silence in his mind told Edrik that the Oracle was finished with this conversation and had gone back to pondering her greater questions.He clung to her startling pronouncement: Another source of spice!Rakis was destroyed, the New Sisterhood refused to release their stockpiles, and the Tleilaxu Masters were all dead.Where else could the Navigators search? Since the Oracle herself had spoken it, he was confident there was a solution.As he drifted, Edrik let his thoughts spin out.Could there be another planet with sandworms? Another natural source of spice?What about a new—or rediscovered—means of manufacturing melange? What had been forgotten? Only the Tleilaxu had known how to produce spice artificially.Was there a way to rediscover that knowledge? Did someone else still know the technique? That information had long ago been buried by the clumsy Honored Matres.How could it be dredged up again?The Masters had carried their secrets to the grave, but even death did not always erase knowledge.Elders of the Lost Tleilaxu, shadow-brothers of the once-great Masters, did not know how to create melange, but they did know how to grow gholas.And gholas could have their memories triggered!Suddenly, Edrik knew the answer, or thought he did.If he resurrected one of the old Masters, then he could wrest that knowledge free.And the damnable Sisterhood would be left without their advantage once again.The unexplored vastness into which humans fled in the Scattering was a hostile wilderness, filled with unexpected traps and dangerous beasts.Those who survived were hardened and changed in ways that we cannot fully comprehend.—REVEREND MOTHER TAMALANE,Chapterhouse Archives,Projections and Analyses of the ScatteringSheeana sat cross-legged on the hard floor of the arboretum while the four Futars prowled around her.She used Bene Gesserit skills to slow her heartbeat and respiration rate.After the one called Hrrm watched her dance with the sandworms, the shared awe among the beast-men had kept her safe among them.Although she controlled the scents that came from her body, she did not avert her gaze.Most of the time the Futars walked on two feet, but occasionally they reverted to a four-pawed pacing.Restless, always restless.Sheeana had not moved for several minutes.The Futars twitched each time she blinked, and then they went back to their restless prowling.Hrrm came close to her and sniffed.She lifted her chin and sniffed back.Despite the potential violence in these creatures, she knew it was important for her to be with them inside this large chamber.After continued study, Sheeana was convinced the Futars could reveal much more, if only she could sift the information out of them.In the deep unknowns of the Scattering, they had been bred by “Handlers” specifically to hunt down Honored Matres.But who were the Handlers? Did they know of the Enemy? Maybe she could winnow out a vital key to the origin of the whores and the nature of the old man and woman Duncan said were pursuing them.“More food,” Hrrm said, pacing around close to her.His wiry body hair was rank, and his breath smelled like partially digested meat.“You’ve already eaten well today.If you eat too much, you will grow fat.Then you will be slow on the hunt.”“Hungry,” one of the other Futars said.“You are always hungry.Food will come later.” It was a biological impulse for them to want to eat constantly, and their Honored Matre captors had kept them on the verge of starvation.The Bene Gesserit, however, maintained a regular, healthy feeding schedule.“Tell me about the Handlers.” She had asked the question hundreds of times, trying to get a few extra words out of Hrrm, another kernel of information.“Where Handlers?” the Futar asked, his interest suddenly piqued [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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