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.It shouldn't matter.It didn't matter.After all, it wasn't as if she and Shaun were dating.They were just friends, and that's the way she wanted it.Still, there was at least a small part of her that wished she could have been with him tonight.She poured the butter over the top of the popcorn.Lots and lots of it, as Carly had requested."Let's go watch your movie," she said, helping the child off the counter where she'd sat to watch the popcorn pop."Okay." Carly skipped eagerly ahead.Arden had just stepped into the living room when she heard a knock.She set the bowl of popcorn on the table and went to see who was at the front door.It was Shaun.Her heart expanded in her chest, making it difficult to breathe.Somehow she managed to unlock and open the door."I thought you were supposed to be at a play tonight.""I gave the tickets away." He didn't wait for an invitation but stepped past her and into the house."Uncle Shaun." Carly launched herself off the couch and into Shaun's arms.Shaun scooped her into the air."Mmm.You smell like baby powder and popcorn."Arden sighed wistfully as she watched them together.He was so natural with her, so comfortable.She knew he would be a great father.It was just one more reason she and Shaun were completely wrong for one another."Auntie Arden and me were just gonna watch a movie," Carly said."The Little Mermaid?" Shaun guessed."Uh-huh." Carly nodded emphatically."Haven't you worn out that tape yet?""She got it on DVD for her birthday," Arden told him.Shaun rolled his eyes."Who gave her that?"Arden grinned."I did.""Do you wanna watch it with us?" Carly asked."Are you going to share your popcorn?""Uh-huh.""In that case, I'd love to watch it."Arden pressed a button on the remote to start the movie."I'm going to get Carly some juice," she said to him."Do you want something to drink?""Sure." He followed her into the kitchen.Out of sight of the child in the living room, he spun Arden around to face him and covered her lips with his own.She didn't have time to think, to protest.Her mind simply blanked and her body melted into his.She couldn't breathe, but breathing no longer seemed important.Nothing mattered but kissing him back.He deepened the kiss gradually, until her blood was humming, her body was aching and her heart was trembling on the brink of something that terrified her.She pulled away, overwhelmed by the need churning inside her."We're supposed to be friends," she said.He brushed his thumb over her lips, swollen from the pressure of his kiss."Friendship is a good foundation," he agreed.She didn't ask for what.She wasn't prepared to debate their relationship again, not when her mind was still swimming from the effects of his kiss.Instead she stepped away, took a minute to steady herself.His signals confused her: one minute he seemed to accept the guidelines she'd set for their relationship, and the next he was kissing her mindless.It was no wonder her own reactions baffled her.Never had she felt so out of control.Never had she been so willing to relinquish control.What would happen if she gave in to the impulse and made love with Shaun? She was almost afraid to find out.She shook off the thought, the temptation.Whether or not she might, at some later date, explore the possibility, it wouldn't be tonight.Not in Nikki and Colin's house with a six-year-old child in the next room.She went to the refrigerator and pulled out a jug of fruit punch, poured some into a plastic cup for Carly."Why did you give your theater tickets away?" she asked."Because I wanted to be with you."Her heart did a slow, cautious roll inside her chest."I think we've been spending too much time together.""We're friends," he said, turning her words to his own advantage."Friends are supposed to spend time together.""Friends don't kiss like that," she said, almost accusingly."Is there something wrong with the way I kiss?""You know darned well that isn't what I meant."He stepped closer."What did you mean?""We need boundaries.If we're going to be friends, you can't kiss me anymore.""Screw the friendship thing," Shaun growled, dipping his head to nibble down the column of her throat."Shaun." She wasn't sure if it was a plea for him to stop or to continue."You want me, Arden.As much as I want you."She couldn't deny it.She didn't dare admit it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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