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.“I don’t want your big girl side to forget her daddy,” Erik whispered, kissing the back of her hand.“Never.I promise,” Camille swore, touching the cup to his glass in a toast to one another.The night’s silence was interrupted by the sounds of jingling bells and the clopping of hooves upon the snow-covered path.Erik wrapped his arm around Camille’s shoulders, warming her and letting her know she was in his protection.He could sense her anxiety, as well as her excitement.“Nervous?” he asked, taking her gloved hand in his and lifting her palm to his lips to kiss.She cupped his chin and brushed her lips over his.“A bit.I have never been to a ball before.In fact,” she glanced away, “I have never been on a real date.This is a bit awkward for me.I’m sorry.”“Never apologize for how you feel, Cami.And I will do my best to make this a date that you will never forget.”“That has already been accomplished.Erik? Do Arthur and Stan know about this?” She held up her left hand.“Nope, and I suspect that we will have two bawling old geezers on our hands when we make the announcement tonight.”“You are going public with this? Are you sure you want to?”“Of course I do.Did you think I was going to change my mind? Cami, you are my future.I want the world to know that the only woman who could tame the rogue Erik Renault has been found.”Camille said nothing as he kissed her again.She was too happy.The estate was alight with thousands of twinkling white Christmas lights.Instrumental carols were piped through speakers over all the grounds and the air smelled of crisp pine and cinnamon.The sleigh pulled to the front where Erik exited and held his hand out to assist Camille to the snow-covered ground.A red carpet had been placed on the path, leading them to the front doors which were opened wide as they approached.Erik paused, glancing up at the sprig of mistletoe hanging over the doorframe.“We are under the mistletoe.You know what that means,” he whispered, winking at her.“I guess that means you have to kiss me,” Camille answered back, also aware of the cameras that stood ready to flash.Questions flew at them, asking the identity of the mystery woman and Erik’s future plans.He graciously refused the interview, shuffling Camille into the main hall.“They didn’t even recognize me!” Camille stated, her face flushed with excitement.“I told you.You have opened up like one of Arthur’s orchids.Speaking of which…”“Camille? Is that really you?” Stan proclaimed, holding her at arm’s length and studying her.She nodded and he embraced her tightly.“What happened to my scabby-kneed little tomboy with the freckles?”“She’s here under this beautiful tiara and jewels.Thank you both, you are too generous.”“I must say, young woman, that you have certainly risen to the occasion,” Arthur praised, critiquing her.“Something is different, though.You are glowing… Erik! Did you make this woman fall in love with you?”“No.She made me fall in love with her.In fact,” he raised Camille’s left hand to his lips, “she has agreed to marry me.”“Marry you? My little girl is getting married?” Stan choked.“And here we go,” Erik whispered in Camille’s ear.Arthur hugged both of them and rushed up to the microphone.“Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to raise a toast.You two, get up here,” he ordered, snapping his fingers.Erik looked at Camille with a glint and led her formally to join Arthur on the stage.“I am very proud to announce that my foster son, Erik Renault, is getting married! This beautiful vixen has enchanted his heart, and I could not be happier for both of them.Please allow me introduce my future daughter-in-law and the star of my next picture, Pippi Gets Married.Ladies and gentlemen, Camille LeCroix.”Applause filled the room with shouts of congratulations and best wishes.Camille turned to Erik, clutching his arm.“Pippi Gets Married? Did you know about that?”“Well… I kind of suggested it as a theme for the movie.Pippi gets roped into doing a film because she is so unique and her unconventional fiancé makes her engage in a little age-play to soften her up and help her find her inner swan for the part.She ends up liking it and, of course, falls in love for the incredible, handsome costar…”“Going from G-rating to R? Of course she does, and is this costar role played by you?”“Hey, all the kids who used to watch her are adults now.As for the costar role, was there any doubt? It is a more mature version of Pippi.Arthur had not confirmed the idea until tonight.Don’t you think it would be wonderful for the world to see the amazing Pippi find her special someone and never worry about being alone again?”“Other than her silly monkey and her horse? Yeah, that would be the perfect happy ending for her.She deserves it,” Camille said lovingly of the character that had been her life since she was eight years old.“She certainly does.And so do you.Ahhh, a waltz.May I have this dance, Miss LeCroix?”“That, Mr.Renault, sounds delightful,” Camille said, holding out her hand for him to lead her onto the dance floor.The sounds of whispers and the flashing of cameras did not interrupt their dance as Erik twirled the young woman around the floor.Erik excused himself to retrieve some spiced punch for Camille and himself, the smile on his face so large that it hurt.He wondered if Camille was as giddy with joy over the magical evening as he was, and was looking forward to taking her out onto the balcony so she could share her thoughts with him.He returned, glasses in hand, to see Jerry standing over her with an imposing posture.Camille’s eyes were filled with tears.“What is going on here?” he demanded, placing the cups on a table.Jerry pointed at Camille.“Are you aware that I am written out of the script for the new production? That hideous beast is making sure I don’t get a role and…”“Camille is my fiancée and you will speak to her with respect, you little piece of shit,” Erik growled, grabbing Jerry by the collar and lifting him to his face.“I have had enough of you abusing her.Now apologize!”“Put me down or I press charges, you son of a bitch,” Jerry hissed back.“Erik, please [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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