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.A pot of something unwholesome-smelling stewed atop a small cook fire nearby.Ythnel's stomach gurgled at the thought of food, unconcerned with how unappealing whatever was being served might be.The hide curtain was pushed back and out strode a striking older man with Ythnel's wererat captor in tow.While the man's shirt, breeches, and boots were patched and sullied, he carried himself with an air of confidence and a twinkle of cunning in his deep blue eyes that seemed out of place in the middle of a swamp.A thin mustache, touched with the same gray that streaked his fading hair, did little to separate the man's sharp nose from his broad grin.He stopped before Ythnel, covering her thoroughly with his eyes while the other wererat whispered in his ear.Nodding, the man raised his hand, and the wererat stepped back with a slight bow."So I understand you were part of a group of wizards recently captured by the werecrocodiles.You're very fortunate that some of my men were able to rescue you." The man spoke with disarming friendliness and concern."It was my impression your men would have been just as happy to eat me," Ythnel scoffed."Ah, I'm sure it was just a poor attempt at humor." He smiled."Unfortunately, hunger is a common epidemic amongst my people, thanks to the werecrocodiles.Making light of it is often our only relief."Ythnel took a second look at the crowd gathered around her and noticed how gaunt many of the figures were.Skin was stretched taut, and many faces had hollow cheeks and dark circles around the eyes.The way they all looked at her made her suddenly very uncomfortable."What do the werecrocodiles have to do with your going hungry?" Ythnel asked."They constantly patrol the waters around this island, attacking us when we try to cross.It makes it difficult to hunt or forage; there's nothing left on the island to support either us or the werecrocodiles.""So how have you survived?""Raids mostly.The werecrocodiles are overconfident and sloppy.It's easy enough to slip past their pickets with an appropriate diversion.Occasionally, we make it across the river and can.trade with passing caravans." The man's hesitation gave Ythnel the idea that the trades were probably one-sided."Enough business," the man declared suddenly."I would imagine you are tired from your ordeal.Please, accept what hospitality we can offer." He waved his hand in a grandiose gesture that encompassed the surrounding ruins and midden heaps."That is quite generous," Ythnel said, trying hard to keep the skepticism from her voice."I don't even know your name.""Ah, where are my manners.I am Torgyn." He bowed.As he straightened, he looked at her expectantly."I, uh, am Ythnel.""Well met, Ythnel.Join me for a bite to eat?" He motioned her toward a table made of stacked mud bricks and crossbeams.When they sat, a pair of plates were brought to them.The "meal" presented to her made Ythnel's stomach turn.Rotten vegetable matter and bones, which were covered as much with maggots as meat, were piled on the plates.The stench was more than enough to cause her to gag.She daintily picked through the refuse, earning snickers from the assembled wererats.Torgyn was watching her intently.Ythnel wondered if this was some sort of test.Would they kill her if she refused to eat it? Even as hungry as she was, she knew she couldn't force herself to eat the putrid dish in front of her.That's when it occurred to her that she wouldn't have to.Overcome by hunger as she prayed last night, Ythnel had requested a seldom-used orison she had learned early in her days at the manor and eventually forgotten.She began to chant while holding her hands just above the plate and channeled a small burst of Power.With a smile, she picked up a chunk of meat, brushed the maggots off of it, and took a bite.The overwhelming odor of decay was gone.The texture was a bit gamey, and she tried not to think of what it might have been before the wererats killed it.She just enjoyed the feeling of something in her belly."A useful spell," Torgyn remarked, "but not very effective in a fight." He grabbed a handful of the rotten food on his plate and shoveled it into his mouth."An empty stomach is as much a distraction in a fight as having a strap on your armor unbuckled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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