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." Kali smiled."Today I'm expected to return to Morel house.I'm hosting a gathering tomorrow evening for some old friends of my father's.Hopefully, by night's end, they will be my friends.""By that, you mean you hope they won't foreclose on you in the manner of Shilmistan wolves.They're all coming for you, one way or another, and not just the Bladesmiles.Plenty of other families'll turn up claiming 'old' or 'half-forgotten' debts that are neithet.They wouldn't mind taking those markers out of a fotmet adventurer turned man of business.""Then it's fortunate I'm more the adventuter and less the businessman," Kali said.His smile had steel in it.Catching the look, Rays laughed."Well, you won't get trouble from me.As you said, your father paid some of his debts in men, and I'll be damned if Rhor didn't cheat him something grievous in that deal.He added a fair number of seasoned fighters to my company.I've seen none finer.No, I've no complaints against your father, no matter what people said about him.""And these-my father's men-do they serve the Bladesmiles still?""They do.""I see." Kail took in a breath, pausing to consider his next words."I wonder… what a man would have to do to reacquire such fine and loyal warriors.""The price would be high," Rays warned."And worth every copper," Kail said quietly.Overhead, a familiar cry rang out.Kali lifted an arm as the goshawk glided easily between the narrow buildings and alighted upon his gauntlet."Welcome back," he said."Impressive." Rays scrubbed at the black stubble on his chin."Is she one of Dhairr's?""No," Kali said, "but my father's aviary is extensive.I have not taken a full inventory, but I know of at least two goshawks, a peregrine that flies faster than any eye can follow, and others I couldn't identify.""Do you intend to maintain it, now that you've taken up residence at the estate?" Rays asked, interested."I had not considered it," Kail admitted."Other marters have been occupying my thoughts.Do you have an interest in hunting birds?""Not for that purpose," said Rays."The greatet Bladesmiles" -he spat again in distaste-"constantly seek the means to make information travel fastet, short of using magic to fuel its steps.""Of course.I have no doubt my father's specimens could be trained as messengers.If such a service interests the Bladesmiles, Pm certain we could come to an arrangement," said Kail.He went on, "If I may, Lord Rays, I would be honored to have you attend my gathering tomorrow.Beyond the pleasure of your company, I wouldn't mind continuing this discussion in my home.""In more delicate surroundings?" Rays looked genuinely curious."Well, lad, if you're brave enough to want me at your table, I accept your invitation and wish you good business." He slapped Kail on the back.Jostled by the sudden movement, the goshawk let out an ear-splitting shriek and took flight, leaving gouge marks in Kail's leather gauntlet.She soared up between the buildings to glide huffily over the Gold Ward.The raptor flew gracefully through the wide window of the aviary but came to rest on the ground instead of one of the perches scattered in tiers around the room.The other raptors screeched in alarm as magic flooded the narrow space.The goshawk's wings twisted vertically, folding feathers and membtane slowly into the flesh of bare arms.Claws shrank into slendet, feminine toes, which gripped the cold stone floor reflexively as the change wracked her body.When the transformation was complete, Cesira stood, instinctively reaching out with her thoughts to calm the frightened birds.Forgive me.I will be more thoughtful in the future.Cesira had no idea what her true voice sounded like.Mute from birth, she did not know why she could touch animals with het thoughts but not her voice, nor did she understand how Silvanus granted her speech when in animal shape, or heard her spells when she chanted in silence.She had simply accepted long ago that the gods must know the hearts and minds of theit followers, and answet accordingly.Forgive me, she repeated.When all was quiet, Cesira strode briskly to the door of the tower, which led to a steep flight of stairs.On the landing, she put on the long brown cloak she'd left hanging on a peg earlier that morning.Time to become mistress of the house, she thought, blowing a stray feather out of her tresses.A servant met her at the base of the staits-the cook, if Cesira remembered correctly."My lady," the woman said, curtseying quickly."I've a message for Lord Morel."Lord Morel, Cesira thought.Gods help het.She looked the woman over, noting with some relief that she bore the new symbol of Morel woven with ribbon into the collat of het frock: an emerald joined by an elaborate setting to a rathet plain-looking stone.The official story was that Lord Morel meant the symbol as a tribute to Keczulla's roots, its rise from nothing to become the backbone of the Morel jewel business.Conveniently, it also bore the enchantment that allowed Cesira to converse with people, making the plain stone in essence mote valuable than the emerald.Cesira did not miss the irony.What is it? she asked."It's from Master Dantane," the cook said, a little uneasily."He again requests an audience.He wants to know when Loid Morel will be deciding whether he is to stay or go from the house." The woman's tone left little doubt of het feelings on the matter.If the rest of Amn was in the dark about Dantane's profession, it was certainly no secret to the house."He'd like to speak with Lotd Motel as soon as possible."I'm sure he would, Cesira said.Please tell him Lord Morel will speak to him just as soon as he returns.The woman curtseyed again and hurried away.Cesira's gaze strayed across the hall, in the direction of the other tower.The spire had formerly housed Morel's private offices.At some point it became the wizard's living quarters.Must they all flock to towers and high places, Cesira wondered.She didn't see the appeal.Then again, she knew nothing of Syrek Dantane or his tastes.That worried her, more than she liked to admit.CHAPTER 15Keczulla, Amn 2 Marpenoth, the Yearof Lightning Storms (1374 DR)Aazen approached the Contiall Estate from the tear, nod-ding to Isslun as she strode forward to bar his path."I need to see him.""He's waiting for you.We've already heard from the buyet"-she cast a quick glance around the deserted patio- "and the Cowl.We were set up.""I was set up," Aazen corrected her sharply."And two Gem Guards ate dead for it."Isslun shrugged, unconcerned."If they cannot identify us, what's the wotry?""I see your sistei took the lion's share of the wits between you," Aazen sneered."We're starting to attract attention.If this incident draws concern anywhere near the Council's hearing, how long do you believe the Shadow Thieves will continue to support this operation?"The Council of Six, Amn's anonymous body of rulers, saw to the needs of the land primarily by keeping business running as smoothly as possible between the merchant families-business which would not include an influx of black matket magical items, not with two Gem Guards dead in the Haibor Moon Ward.Isslun comprehended none of that.She pouted, catching her lower lip between her teeth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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