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."We're not trying to kill you.But there are laws here, and you must obey them.""Rot in the lowest levels of the Abyss," she snarled."I came willingly before and had the word of one of your own that I was free to go whenever I chose.So don't lecture me about breaking laws!""Tauran was not in a position to—"The deva's sentence died in his throat as Kael dropped to the ground next to him.The flat of the half-drow's bladecrashed hard against the back of the angel's head and sent him staggering forward, where he collided with one of the archons holding the net down."Get out of here!" Kael shouted, spinning to smack another of the celestial warriors with his weapon."Now!"Aliisza stared at the sight of her son waging furious combat with the three archons still surrounding her.He flowed from one stance to another like a dancer, all grace and balance, shifting with the weight of his sword.Even attacking to stun rather than kill, he wielded the sword with exacting precision.The archons were no match for him, but as soon as one was put down, two more appeared."Go!" Kael shouted."I can't do this all day!"Recollecting her wits, Aliisza tried to wriggle herself free from the netting, but the archons devoted at least a small part of their attention to standing on the snare, keeping her pinned down.Fine, she decided.There are other ways to depart.She summoned one of her magical doors beneath herself and slipped through it.Acting as much on instinct as reason, the alu positioned the other end of the magical portal near the corpse of Tekthyrios.Aliisza tumbled through the opening and sprawled upon the loamy earth, hoping none of her pursuers were nearby.When she heard no immediate shouts of discovery close to her, the half-fiend gingerly crawled to the storm dragon's body, seeking a place to hide.One of the dragon's wings was cocked at such an angle that Aliisza could squeeze under it and nestle up against the impaled beast's body.She slunk into the hiding place and collapsed, still suffering the residual effects of the deva's divine attack.She closed her eyes and sat still for a few moments to allow the last vestiges of dizziness to leave her.The forest was quiet, though she could discern the sounds of battle continuing in the distance.Aliisza wondered if it was Kael in the midst of that, or Tauran,It's certainly not Kaanyr, she decided with a grimace.He took off like a roc when Tauran gave the word.He's halfway to Sundabar by now.The alu sighed and settled back, wondering how long she would be safe where she hid.What difference does it make? she thought ruefully.Without Tauran here, I have no idea how to get out or where to go.I'll find no friends, either.Feeling a little bit sorry for herself, Aliisza tried to relax and wait.Tired, aching muscles reminded her of the harsh fight she had endured against the archons.She wanted more than anything to sleep for a short while, but her worries about being caught kept her on edge, unable to give in to her weariness.Despite her angst, Aliisza must have drifted off for a least a few moments, for the next thing she knew she was startled awake by a noise.She jerked forward, then remembered her situation and froze, listening for the sounds of discovery.Whatever had roused her did not come for her in her hiding place, but she could clearly hear something rummaging around near her concealment.She peered from deep within the shadow of her secret lair but saw nothing.Worried about capture but hating not knowing what was out there even more, Aliisza moved to get a better look.Very slowly, she inched her way forward to the edge of the hollow until she could widen her view.A pair of hound archons worked nearby, gathering the bodies of the humanoids that had been slain alongside Tekthyrios.The two creatures seemed to be stacking them, perhaps for some form of funeral pyre or similar last rites.As she studied them, several more arrived in the clearing, appearing magically.The creatures spoke to one another as they worked, but their words were too soft to be understood.How long before they decide to do something about this dragon? Aliisza wondered.I can't stay here.But there was nowhere for the alu to flee, at least not yet.A far greater number of the archons were unaccounted for, most likely still roaming the forest around the clearing.And regardless, she had no clue where any of her companions might be.Careful to remain quiet, Aliisza crept back into the depths of her hiding place and waited.She continued to watch the work being done beyond her shadowy enclave as the celestial warriors passed in front of her field of vision.Eventually, it grew dark.The warriors never bothered to light lamps or torches, and as Aliisza watched, it became clear that they could see perfectly well without the need for such illumination.So much for sneaking out under cover of darkness, the alu thought.What a wretched mess this has become.Aliisza remained huddled in her secret sanctuary.She hoped the angels and their soldiers would eventually move on or settle in for the night and she could find the means to slip away undetected.She dozed from time to time, but always some noise, some shout or shuffling near her spot, jerked her awake again, heart thumping rapidly.Each time she would curse her circumstances, but the celestial warriors were still hard at work, moving around the clearing.Aliisza, came Tauran's voice.Aliisza, can you hear me?The alu was hesitant at first, leery that it might be a trick.But she knew the sort of magic being employed, and she doubted it could be used to determine her location.Yes, she answered.I hear you.Where are you? the angel asked.How do I know it's really you? Well spoken, Tauran replied.There was a long moment's silence, and Aliisza began to grow worried that she had miscalculated, that it was a trick, that soldiers with nets were closing in on her position right at that moment.Just when the alu was on the verge of bolting from her hiding place in panic, Tauran said, How can I prove it to you?Answer me this, Aliisza said.Tell me the name of the boy I saved, in the dream world where you kept me imprisoned.The one who worked for the tailor.Who was he?It was no boy, Tauran replied without hesitation.Lizel was a girl.Aliisza's relief cascaded through her.She sank back into the cool earth and sighed.Yes, she said.It's you.How did you find me—reach me?A little trinket Eirwyn gave me before we parted ways.I had forgotten about it until just now.Where are you? Canyon come to us?I don't know where you are.I am hiding within the clearing.There are devas and archons everywhere.What's happened?Kael and I are safe, the angel replied.We are watching Micus.He and some of his warriors are concealed near the passage to the World Tree.Probably expecting us to make a break for it.There was a pause, and then, Where are you hiding?Under Tekthyrios's wing, she answered.Then, biting her lip, she asked, What about Kaanyr?There was another, longer pause.Micus's troops captured him.He's there, in the camp, very near you.I'm sorry [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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