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.”“Right, then, what is it?” Ty asked, fighting both weariness and mounting anxiety that the sky was going to come crashing down on him before he ever managed to get back to Arsinöe.“Only this, ungrateful cat.She is Lilith’s, and meant for more than what you’re doing with her.The Ptolemy will destroy her if they discover what she is.History will repeat itself.But this time, Lilith’s line will end.It was worth preserving, though we did not try to stop what happened.”“What is this? Do you mean the temple fire Lily keeps seeing?” Ty demanded.“You could have stopped all this madness?”“We are watchers.It is not our place,” Sammael said.“Typical,” Ty snorted, angry.“None of the highbloods seem to think it’s their place to do anything unless it’s their own ass on the line.And even then, they leave a lot of it to their servants.”Sammael’s gaze was piercing.“Some.Most, perhaps.But not all.There is still honor among our kind, though sometimes found in strange places.Lilith was different.This heir to her dynasty is different as well.”Though he would have thought it impossible, the throbbing in Ty’s head actually increased.He rubbed at his temple with his fingertips.“Look, Sammael, I appreciate the pep talk.But you’re not giving me much to go on here.Why exactly are we having this conversation? Are you planning to fight me for her?”That provoked a small smile from the hulking Grigori, an expression Ty hadn’t imagined the man was capable of.“Alas, no.You might be a worthy adversary, Tynan of the Cait, but you would not live.And I am curious to see what you do with what you have been given.”“I’ll do what I’ve been trained to do.I hunt and I deliver.” He sighed and gave his temple a final, irritable rub.His words sounded callous and cold, even to his own ears.“Look, I appreciate your… well, it’s not exactly help, is it? But I don’t have a choice.The Ptolemy are dying.And I’m tied to them, like it or not.Lily is the key to fixing it.”“Hmm,” Sammael said, his face falling back into its hard lines.“One would hope you gain some intelligence before it’s too late.But do as you will, cat.The boundaries between our kind were not always so harshly drawn.They may blur again while I draw breath.I will wait with my brothers and sisters, and watch.”“Yes.You did mention that’s what you do.” Ty shifted on the balls of his feet, impatient to be gone and possessed of a restlessness he sometimes thought would be with him for all his life no matter how hard he fought it.When the Grigori didn’t move, Ty held on to what little patience he had left and dredged up some manners.“Well.Good night, then, Sammael.Lovely meeting you.Hope you sort out whatever trouble brought you here and all that.”That enigmatic smile again.“Rogan does love a good tale.But you need not worry.I am in no trouble.I have done what I came here to do.”Suspicion bloomed deep in Ty’s chest—along with a sudden fear that he would never be more than a pawn in some game controlled by those much more powerful than he would ever be.“You mean to say you came here, lied to Rogan, just to give me that little speech?” He looked more closely at the white-haired giant, the eerie, carved perfection of him.“What are you really, Sammael? Which of the rumors about your kind are true?”“None of them, of course,” Sammael replied.“Though I have heard a few that may have had a kernel of truth in them.It matters not.We will be watching, cat.Prove yourself worthy of her, and our world will change again.”“I really wish you’d explain that.”“Yes, I’m sure you do.Good night, Tynan MacGillivray.May the darkness protect you.” With that, Sammael inclined his head, turned, and walked away.Ty briefly considered going after him and beating the truth out of him, but he doubted it would have done any good.Besides, the way Sammael had casually said that Ty wouldn’t survive a fight with him rang true.He was a hell of a fighter, but the Grigori were just… eerie [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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