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."You have my attention."`The Harpers require the services of a bard.Since most of these have fallen under a spell that affects their music and memories, I was drafted to help.""Really! Thank you for sharing such welcome news," the elf said with a cordial smile."Many of my associates will be delighted to learn that the Harpers have fallen to such depths.I shall dine out on this tale for months to come.""So glad to be of service.Now, if I may present my companions: Morgalla the Mirthful, a bard of astounding talents, and Wyn Ashgrove, a minstrel from Evermeet.Perhaps you've met him before?" Danilo's choice of words was not entirely without malice; he knew of Elaith's self-imposed exile from the island homeland of the elves.Wyn greeted the moon elf with a polite ritual bow, which Elaith simply ignored.He shot an incredulous glance at the stout, short, brown-clad woman who'd come to stand at Danilo's side."A dwarf, Lord Thann? Your taste in traveling companions has sadly deteriorated.Where is Arilyn these days?""Elsewhere," Danilo said curtly."Now, if we've exhausted our present supply of verbal stilettos, I have a business proposal for you."Elaith looked intrigued."A deal that brought the son of a Waterdeep merchant this far afield might prove interesting.""It's unusual, at the very least," the Harper said."Sing him the ballad, Wyn."The minstrel took his silver lyre from its shoulder strap and sang the Ballad of Grimnoshtadrano.Elaith seemed irritated by this development and gave the gold elf scant attention, but as Wyn sang, Vartain came to stand at his employer's side.The riddlemaster listened with deep interest, and his prominent black eyes were lively with intelligence and curiosity."I believe I see this path's destination," Vartain said when the song was done."These three wish to answer the dragon's challenge, which means they must answer a riddle, read a scroll, and sing a song.Since the words 'reading a scroll' most likely indicate the casting of a spell, this young man is probably a mage.He travels with two bards.What he yet lacks is the talents of a riddlemaster, and he has come here to bid for my services.With all three skills, they have a chance at success, or, at the very least, survival.""Well, you're not going," Elaith said flatly."You signed on for the duration of this hunt, and you will remain in my service."Vartain nodded, but he pulled Elaith aside.Turning his back to the newcomers, he began to spell out his argument in the silent hand language of thieves' cant."As a riddlemaster, I collect lore of many kinds.Recently I've noted that ballads by and about Harpers have changed.When I questioned the bards who sang them, they all insisted that the songs were as they had always been.It is likely that what this young man says is true.No available Harper bards were unaffected by this spell, yet the dragon's challenge specifies that a Harper must come.This would explain why the young man so openly touts his affiliation with this usually secret organization.Perhaps the Harpers are undergoing difficult times, but they are generally quite effective.If they have given assent to this quest, I believe it is because it has a fair chance of success.""So?" Elaith asked aloud."So you can make his success your own," Vartain spelled out, his bony fingers gesticulating with fluid, practiced ease."You were not listening to the ballad, but it stated that those who successfully challenge Grimnoshtadrano can choose their reward from the dragon's hoard."-Elaith glared at the riddlemaster for a moment, then a strange glint entered his amber eyes.He affixed Danilo and his bardic companions with a measuring, speculative gaze."Of course, I will recompense you for the loss of Vartakes services," Danilo said hastily, seeing the expression on the elf s face and eager to press any advantage."You've little need for money, but rumor has it you've a fondness for magical items."Danilo pushed up the full sleeve of his shirt, revealing a jeweled knife in an elaborately tooled leather wrist • sheath.Turning away so that pulling the blade could not be construed as a threat, Danilo flicked the knife toward the peppergum tree.It quivered in the soft bark for five heartbeats.Then, suddenly, it was gone.Danilo held out his wrist for the elf's inspection.The knife had returned to the sheath."A very handy toy," Elaith agreed."Very well, you may have Vartain and welcome.I will take the knife, as well as fifty pieces of platinum, standard trade weight The former I will collect now; the latter is payable by you or your estate upon my return to Waterdeep.There is one other condition: my men and I will join forces with your formidable army." He paused and made an ironic bow to Wyn and Morgalla, then turned back to Dan with a small, tight smile."From this day until the completion of the search, you and I will be partners."Danilo stared at the elf, utterly dumbfounded.At length he found his tongue and said in a dazed tone, "Partners?" `That's right""Buggering Beshaba!" Danilo swore fervently, evoking the goddess of bad luck."I had not anticipated this turn of events!""Nor I," said Elaith dryly."I can see that you're as pleased with the prospect as I am.Regardless, have we a deal?""I suppose we do," Dan agreed slowly.His eyed the elf dubiously, but he unstrapped the leather sheath and handed it to him.Elaith removed the magic knife from the sheath and examined it closely, tested its weight and balance, and then tossed it high into the air.He caught the descending knife by the tip and hurled it, all in one smooth movement, at the peppergum tree.The jeweled knife found the same spot Danilo had struck"I'm curious," Elaith said casually."Say that I were to throw this knife at an enemy.The wound wouldn't heal once the knife magically withdrew, would it? The damage would remain?"'That's right"The elf held Danilo's eyes as he strapped the sheath onto his forearm, and his smile was not a pleasant one."Splendid," he said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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