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.Against all odds, he’d found his niche, and he intended to stick there like a burr.Even as he laughed at Nash’s adventure in online dating, Mason reached underneath the table to hold Ava’s hand, touch her thigh, any part of her, really.He was so grateful to have her and no longer be walking alone in the world.To get really sappy, she’d been his North Star guiding him home.Mason felt her smooth, warm leg and the edge of her short dress, which he nudged higher until his hand reached the silk of her panties.The forbidden thrill of touching in a public place, under the noses of their friends, revved him up.His cock was so hard it would be a while before he could stand up without embarrassing himself.Just as well, because the servers were bringing in dinner.He and Ava could hardly cut out of here before they’d even eaten, but, oh, was he ready to go home and be alone with her at last.He gave a last tease of his pinkie finger along the elastic of her underwear, then took his hand away.A glance at Ava’s flushed face as she drank deeply from her wineglass made him smirk.She rolled her eyes at him.Deb called for their attention and raised her glass.“I want to thank everyone for giving Cozy Café another successful year in some hard economic times for Waller.We’ve pulled together to keep our little diner afloat, and I appreciate each of you for all your hard work.Especially Mason, whose fast thinking kept the building from going up in flames.Thank you!”Everyone toasted, drank and started eating.Between his hours at the nursing home, followed by class, Mason hadn’t had a chance to grab more than a bite all day.He quickly demolished his steak and more glasses of wine than he needed.At last the meal was finished.Ava pushed back her chair and rose.“Sorry to cut out early, everybody, but the snow’s coming down thick.Mason and I want to get home.”“’Cause of the snow.” Frannie grinned.“Right.”Nash and Ralph joined in with some good-natured teasing, and then everyone wished them a merry Christmas before they left.Outside, the snow really was coming down fast.A fuzz of white covered everything in the parking lot.It wouldn’t take long for the winding roads between the hills to fill with drifts.But for a desert-dwelling boy like Mason, the snow really was a marvelous sight.In the glow of twinkle lights framing the restaurant windows, he took a moment to grab Ava and hold her.“I love you,” he whispered into her hair.“Love you too.” Her teeth were chattering.“But this dress wasn’t made for winter, and my legs are freezing.We need to get to my car.”He laughed, took her gloved hand, and they ran across the lot, leaving fresh dark footprints in the pristine white.Ava started the car, cranked up the heat, and drove carefully toward home.“I’ve got to buy a car soon,” Mason said.“I can’t keep hitching rides with people.The scheduling is too complicated.”“Probably one of Nash’s friends can find you a deal, some beater to make it through the winter.Maybe for your Christmas present we can swing it.” Ava glanced at him and smiled.He wished the financial part of their lives wasn’t so hard.He wished he could buy her beautiful things for the holiday instead of just chipping in to pay more bills.She deserved so much more than he could give her, but damned if he wouldn’t make what he could provide the best it could possibly be.Tonight he would give her an orgasm that would rock her world.“I talked to Gina today,” Mason said.“And to Carolyn.”“You finally called Carolyn? What was that like?”“Weird.Hard.We were never close to begin with, and I think she still hasn’t completely forgiven me for not helping our mom.But I think she’s trying.” He shrugged.“She was polite, anyway.”“Well.It’s good that you talked, and maybe eventually you can both get past it.” Ava paused.“But honestly, I think she was awful to lay that kind of blame at your door.She’s your older sister.You were practically a kid, not a whole lot older than Bryan.She should have been protecting you, not trying to guilt you into doing something that would be harmful to you.” She lifted a hand off the steering wheel.“Not my place to say, I know, but it pisses me off.You carried around a lot of guilt for years because of the way she treated you.”Mason smiled at Ava’s protectiveness.It was adorable and heartwarming that she cared about him so much.“Anyway, I’m glad you’ve made up with your sisters,” she finished.“Me too.But it’s like you and your mom, a process that’s going to take some time.” Enough talk about family issues, he decided.“Did I mention earlier how sexy you look in that dress? I especially like it with your parka and snow boots.Very chic.”She grinned.“Thanks to Bryan for the dress.He lent me some money from his resale business [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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