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.Unbeknownst to me that the migraine medicine my neurologist had switched me to a few months ago would weaken theeffects.I had thrown up three times at work in the past week, had been feeling light headed for the past few days, and all I wanted to do was sleep.As much as I kept telling myself it was just a stomach bug, something else was telling me otherwise, and that something else was confirmed today.This couldn't be happening.I felt like most days it was a struggle just to take care of myself.How on earth was I going to be able to take care of a baby?Linda placed her hand on my shoulder.“Becca, if you need anything, you know Steve and I are here for you, Honey.”Linda and Steve were the best neighbors that I could ask for and I was so grateful to her for being there for me today.The last thing I wanted was to ask my mother to come with me.I felt as if I had overwhelmed her and my father with enough drama after their visit yesterday when I dropped the whole Drew and Mason story on them.My mother was in shock, but my father, surprisingly, didn’t have much to say.I figured that would be the perfect opportunity for him to prove to me that he had been right all along, but instead he just told me how sorry he was to hear it.I, in turn, apologized to him for placing the blame on him all those years for Drew’s departure.My parents were just as baffled as I was by Krista’s behavior that day when she saw the picture.I had called her several times and left messages asking her why, but hadn’t received a call back.The knock on my door broke me from my thoughts.“I’ll get it,” Linda said.“Hi Becca.” I briefly closed my eyes upon hearing Liz’s voice.I knew she was here to plead Mason’s case and I just couldn’t deal with that right now.“I’m going to get going, Becca.If you need me, just call,” Linda said.I nodded as I felt Liz taking the seat next to me on the couch.“Liz, I really got a lot on my mind.”“Becca, please just hear me out and then I will be on my way.”I let out an exhausting breath.“Fine.”“I am not going to make excuses for him because I will be the first one to tell you that it was an asshole move on his part.He knows how I feel about it, but in his defense—”“I don’t want to hear it, Liz.I don’t! He deceived me not once but twice!”“And you have every right in the world to be pissed at him for it.But Becca, the first time he had no choice.I pulled up the case that he had been working on back then.You should have seen some of the information that Barrett confessed to the police.That son of a bitch should have been thrown in jail, too.If it weren’t for Mason, you might have been in some foreign sex trade.Simms wanted you as a form of payment for expanding the Barretts’ drug business.Mason knew this and went above and beyond to make sure that didn’t happen.”I shook my head, not wanting to listen to any of it.“Okay, so he just felt like it was okay to continue that same façade six years later and use my blindness to his advantage?” I snapped.“I will be the first to tell you, he was dead wrong with that.But if he had told you who he was right from the beginning, would you have even given him another chance?” I stared into space, already knowing the answer to that question.“It seems to me that these past few months have been pretty special to you.Just think what you would have missed if he had told you.You would have denied yourself the pleasure of falling in love again.” I sucked in my bottom lip, trying to hold back the tears.“Despite the bonehead move that he made, he really is a great guy, but I think you already know that.And I can tell you, from someone who knows him very well….he never lied about his feelings for you.He is completely in love with you.” I felt her warm hand on mine as I held back my tears with everything I had.I was so angry at him that I didn’t want to admit it to anyone that I was in love with him, especially not myself.I felt her stand up and heard her footsteps on the hardwood floor.“This picture?”“Which one?” I asked.“The one of the moon and the stars hanging over your loveseat.Did Mason give this to you?”“No,” I whispered.I had wanted to forget about that picture and part of me had wondered why I had even kept it after everything that had happened.“Mason has the same one hanging in his apartment.”And with that, I could no longer hold back the tears.He had kept that picture with him after all these years? “I painted one for him and one for me when we had first met.I told him that he was the one half of the moon in his and I was the other half in mine.I can’t believe he kept it.” I let out a loud sob.Liz sat down and placed a tissue in my hands.I dabbed my eyes and pulled it together as best as I could.“I didn’t come here to plead Mason’s case.He’s a big boy.He doesn’t need me to do that for him.I came here to try and make you realize that despite what he did, he really does love you.In two days, he has to give his answer about this job.You were the only thing that was going to make him say yes.I just don’t want both of you to pass up the life that you can finally have together.”I sat there silently.I knew I was going to have to tell Mason about my pregnancy and as angry as I was at myself for admitting it, I knew that I wanted to be with him.I just wasn’t ready to let go of the anger yet.“Mason needs to do what’s best for him.And if working undercover is what he wants to do then that’s what he should do.” I remained stone faced, not wanting to show my true feelings to her.She was silent for a moment before letting out a deep sigh and placing her hand on my shoulder.“You take care of yourself, Becca.” I nodded and felt her weight lift off the couch.Her footsteps began to fade away and I heard my apartment door open.“Everyone makes mistakes.Just don’t let one turn into another one that’s going to affect the rest of your life.”I closed my eyes and chased away another bout of tears.“Been there, done that, six years ago, Liz, and I am paying the price every day for the rest of my life.”MasonI was miserable with my whole existence.I hated being home and I hated being at work [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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