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.Once we get a chance to recon this guy’s setup, we move.I’ll call and see if I can get right in to see Mr.Nicoloff.From there the escape route will be important.”“This won’t be any third world cesspool job Thomas,” Nate said.“We have very limited resources with this, and if the body count gets high, we will have a full-scale international incident.No one will get out of there alive.”“You didn’t let this out to the White House did you Nate?”“Hell no,” Nate replied.“I told them the missions were over.Derek will tell them we found the last girl we thought had died, and we had to move quickly.If you’re successful with a get in and get out operation, we can present it as a done deal.If things go to hell, I guess we just go into hiding.”“I will be careful Nate.If I find something which needs redress, I will go back by myself,” Connor agreed.“You got it, only I will go with you,” Nate said, “and we will kill everyone in Moscow.I never did like those assholes.”Connor laughed.“You’re on Nate.Seriously, I will bring her out without any loss of life, except for Mr.Nicoloff.”“How do you want to handle support?”“Two vehicles, one to pick me up with the girl, and the second to run interference for the first vehicle.I think it might be a good idea if we have a couple of men in place to take out anyone following me out of the building.Can we find a couple of silenced sniper rifles in Russia to use for this mission? They might make all the difference in the world.”“I’ll get on it right away,” Nate promised.“This will have to be at night if you expect to get everyone in position and back out.Will you be taking everyone?”“I was thinking of a total of six men, including me,” Connor replied.“I will take Johnny in with me, and introduce him as a Chinese connection I want Nicoloff to meet.The two drivers will be whoever speaks Russian.The two snipers will have to be our best.”Johnny, who had been listening, turned quickly.“You mean I get to go with you all the way this time? I can do my Charlie Chan imitation for them.This will be so smooth.”Nate sighed deeply, as Connor and Nick laughed.“You think he’s joking, don’t you? Don’t take this psycho with you Thomas.He will just shoot his mouth off at the wrong time.I will go with you.I speak Russian.”“I need you keeping the way out of the country open, if you can stay on this one,” Connor replied.“I can do that,” Nate agreed, “but what about what I said about the oriental demon in the front seat?”“I’ll give you an oriental demon,” Johnny reached for Nate, but both of his wrists were grabbed in Nate’s big right hand.“Sorry Charlie,” Nate chuckled, “but in this tight space, I will tear the venerable Loo out a new one.Promise to behave, or I will have to keep these.” He shook Johnny’s wrists slightly.“Okay, okay,” Johnny relented, “but I will of course have to have my revenge to save face.”Nate released him with a smile.“No one could save that thing, but bring it to me anytime.”“You guys are too old for this grab-assing around,” Connor informed them.“Knock it off.You are setting bad examples for young Nick here.”“Yea right,” Johnny said, as he gave Nick’s head a push.“So, what will I be doing when I’m with you?”“Not much I hope.I want to use you as an excuse for my visit.We can wing it as far as small talk when we get there.Once we have him alone, and find out where he has Gina, I will take him out and assume his identity.If everything goes right, we will not need to do anything else besides walk out.”“I’ve heard that before,” Johnny commented.They sat together in first class.Johnny reached over, grabbed a piece of Connor’s steak off of his plate, and popped it in his mouth.Connor watched this with much amusement.He again wondered at how the lanky agent could stay in such good shape, and eat as much as he did.“Would you like the rest of my dinner Mr.Chan?” Connor asked.Johnny shook his head as he stuffed the last spoonful of potatoes off of his plate into his mouth, and then washed it all down with the beer he had ordered.“No, you mutants need your strength, especially when disguised as French toads.How are you feeling by the way? I noticed you squirming around in your seat.”“I feel a lot better.I’m still a little stiff though.I can never get comfortable on a plane.” Connor sat back as the steward took the trays from in front of the two men.Connor thanked him in Russian, which brought a smile to the steward’s face.“Too bad we don’t have that good looking stewardess from back in coach.She really gave you the eyeball when we walked on, and every time she walks up here she smiles at you.Maybe you better think about becoming Pierre on a permanent basis.Think what it will do for your love life,” Johnny pointed out.“My love life does not need any recommendations from you Charlie,” Connor stated.“Maybe if you start over as Pierre, you won’t be such a whip boy,” Johnny laughed.“You know Chan,” Connor grinned at his companion, “you are making me wish I would have flown in alone.”“Man,” Johnny said in mock surprise, “you mutants are a touchy bunch [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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