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.I have something you want.Let’s make a deal.”“You have nothing I want.”“My silence.My continued acting like a love-struck woman clinging to your every word—especially if the minister is present.”He looked out to the sea.“And in return, I want a plane ride to Quraim Wadi Samil.We swap.”He was silent for so long she knew he was going to refuse.She had no other leverage.She would have to find the grave herself—if in fact it was there.“Deal.”His answer surprised her.Before he could change his mind, she held out her hand, but when he turned back, it was to grab her shoulders and draw her close enough to kiss.It wasn’t a sweet kiss, but one full of anger.His mouth pressed hard against hers.His fingers gripped tightly.She scarcely caught a breath before he released her a second later.No matter, her heart pounded.“Consider the deal sealed,” he said and turned to head toward the villa.“I’ll pick you up at six-thirty,” he called over his shoulder.She brushed her fingertips across her lips.Tears filled her eyes.She wanted kisses, but not punishing ones.Could she ever forget the passionate ones they’d shared? She was afraid she never would.All men in the future would come short when compared with Sheikh Rashid al Harum.“I hope your deal brings you joy.Nothing else seems to,” she said to the empty beach.Bethanne took extra care getting ready for her farewell performance, as she termed it.She had Minnah style her hair and selected the prettiest of the gowns hanging in the closet.It was a deep burgundy, long and sleek.Her makeup was donned for impact, making her eyes look larger and mysterious.She matched the gown color with lipstick and studied the dramatic effect in the mirror.“Eat your heart out, Rashid,” she whispered.She went downstairs to await her escort.When he arrived, she met him at the door.“I’m ready,” she said, walking past, head held high.She planned to deliver exactly what he wanted: a woman infatuated with him—when in public.Teaz stood at the back door of the limo.Once she was seated, Rashid joined her on the bench seat.The ride was conducted in total silence.Once at his mother’s, Rashid morphed into a charming host.He greeted the other guests, introducing Bethanne to those she hadn’t met before.She was gracious and friendly.She was never going to give him a single reason to think of her as less than professional in all her dealings.Her greeting to Madame al Harum was warm, as she felt suitable to a prospective mother-in-law.The older woman did not thaw at her overtures.Bethanne merely smiled.She would never please her.And tonight she had no reason to even pretend.She greeted the minister again.Tonight she met his wife.The woman did not speak English, so Rashid translated.When they moved on, she breathed a sigh of relief.So far so good.Conversation was a mixture of Arabic, French and English.She had a nice chat with a young diplomatic couple, on their way to a post in Egypt.The minister of finance was no more friendly than he’d been at the polo event.She wondered if he were perpetually grumpy.She wished Walt had been invited.It would have been nice to have one friendly face in the group.Dinner was traditional Arabic fare—from an avocado appetizer to the delicious lamb to the sweets at the conclusion.Bethanne enjoyed every bite.She especially liked the sugared walnuts that Rashid insisted be brought for her enjoyment.She smiled her appreciation, wishing he’d meant the gesture for more than show to the people present.To the rest of them, she was sure they looked like a couple who enjoyed each other’s company.Maybe were in love.Only the two of them knew the lie behind the facade.It was bittersweet to have him so attentive, when she knew by the look in his eyes how false it was.She met him gaze for gaze, tilting her chin up to convey she had no qualms of standing up for herself.Or defending her stance.He’d asked her to stay to foil the attempts of the opposition to bring an end to negotiations.She’d done just that.He had not asked for more.It was her own foolish heart that betrayed her—not him.The company moved to the salon and terrace after dinner.Soft music played in the background.The view from the terrace was beautiful; the entire city of Alkaahdar spread out before them, lighted in the darkness.In the distance, the Persian Gulf, where a lone ship gleamed with lights as it slid silently along on the horizon [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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