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."Because I was older than Angela, I felt I had to take care of her, that she needed me to make the decisions.We fell into a pattern that way.After we had kids, our love life diminished.I was busy.Angela was tired.I know she started thinking about other men, wondering what it would be like to be with someone else, since I was her one and only lover.""Surely she didn't say that to you.""When we were fighting she'd say all kinds of things.Angela spoke first and thought second." He shrugged."Maybe she was right.Maybe I didn't give her a chance to grow up, to experience life.Maybe I screwed up her life."She ran her hand down the side of his face.She loved that he spoke with honesty, that his words rang true even to the point of incriminating himself, but she didn't believe he had ruined Angela's life."We're all to blame for the messes that occur in our lives.Ultimately we make our own decisions or we let others make our decisions, which is a decision in itself.""Angela was too young to make a decision.""Do you really believe that?""I think her parents do.They hold me responsible for everything that happened, even her death.""They know you weren't responsible for her death.""Sophia might," he admitted."But Vincent ordered me to take care of his daughter, and I let him down.Our relationship has never been the same since."She didn't want to think or talk about the De Lucas.She wanted to go back to where they'd been before, making love, lost in each other's bodies."Joanna." Michael tilted her chin with his hand."I'm glad you came here tonight, that we found each other.""Even if it's only for tonight?" she asked, already anticipating the bittersweet pain of parting that would come with the morning."Who says it's only for tonight?" He played with a strand of her hair."I've been thinking.""Uh-oh."He smiled."Maybe you should meet the De Lucas.Sophia and Vincent are celebrating their fortieth wedding anniversary tomorrow night.""I don't know.I went to their house this morning, but I only saw Tony.He said they weren't there.I'm not sure that was true.He made it pretty clear he didn't want me to come back.""That's his problem.""It will be yours, too.""Joanna, I don't want to hide what we feel for each other.I don't want to conduct this love affair in a dark closet.""We're not having a love affair.""I want to." His eyes turned serious."The girls already love you.""Think what people will say," she protested."It's going to get messy.They'll think you're trying to replace Angela with her double.""I don't care what they say.We know the truth.""We still don't know if I'm somebody's skeleton in the closet.I can't just show up at this party.I could scare the hell out of someone."He hesitated."You might scare some people, and I don't want to spoil Vincent and Sophia's anniversary.But we're going to deal with this soon.I promise you that."She appreciated his determination, but she saw only problems ahead."What you can't promise is a happy ending for any of us.""You're being cynical.""I'm being realistic.If someone gave me away I'm not sure I could forgive them.And if my mother lied to me all these years, I'm not sure I could forgive her.I don't know if I could be with either family.And you are as much a De Luca as the rest of them.Lily and Rose are De Lucas.""Lily and Rose and I are Ashtons.""Michael -- " she began again.His finger touched her lips."We'll talk about it tomorrow.Don't think.Don't worry.""You mean I should stop breathing?" she asked."If that's what it takes." He paused."Actually you could think about one thing.""What's that?""Taking off some of your clothes.It's getting hot in here," he said as he kissed her lips.She smiled."Now that I can do something about."It took only a minute to shed their clothes.Michael pulled her to the edge of the table.She wrapped her legs around his waist.She wanted to feel as if they were one person again and again, until she couldn't remember what loneliness felt like.Later, they made their way outside, spending the rest of the night wrapped in a quilt on the edge of the cliff behind Ruby Mae's house.It was an unseasonably warm summer night, with only a slight chill as the hours of darkness headed toward dawn.The sound of the ocean gave them peace.The dazzling array of stars overhead provided inspiration, and in each other's arms they found the missing piece of themselves."I always knew it would be like this," Joanna said, resting her head on Michael's shoulder, "when I finally found the right guy.I just didn't think it would take so damn long,""Maybe you were too picky,""If you'd met David you wouldn't say that.Or Harry or Winston or Conrad.""Didn't you date anyone named Joe or Sam?""You don't find too many of those guys hanging out at the library.They always seem to be on the baseball field or the basketball court.""You're not saying you don't like sports," he said in mock horror."I love baseball.My dad used to take me to the Giants games.We always went to opening day together.''"You miss him, don't you?""Yes, but life goes on." She paused."Do you believe in fate? I mean, look at us.How strange that we would meet, that we would come together at this moment in our lives.It must have been destiny.""Or Mariah.The kids swear it was her idea that they go to school," he said."Maybe it was Mariah [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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