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.When they all withdrew, we could see them more clearly and there were certainly a considerable number of them.”He paused for a moment before he went on,“When our men search their hiding-places, which they had started to do when I left, they will undoubtedly find a great store of arms, besides, of course, the materials with which they intended to set fire to the Fort.”“I can only thank you on behalf of Great Britain for saving us from losing that particular Fort.” “I repeat what Colonel Brewhurst has asked me,” the Major answered, “to urge you to send him more men and more guns as quickly as possible.”“Which of course we will do,” the Viceroy replied.Major Warde now turned towards Lord Kenington.“Is Aisha really here?” he asked.“If she is, I must thank you most sincerely for looking after her.”“When you were not on the quay at Calcutta to meet her,” Lord Kenington said, “I took her at once to Government House, where we learnt that you were missing and they were very concerned about you.”Major Warde made a helpless gesture.“It was just impossible for me to communicate with anyone while I was making for the North-West Frontier Fort.I could only hope that Aisha, who is a very sensible girl, would go to Government House and ask for me.”“That is exactly what she did, only I went with her.I don’t expect you know that she had to travel alone and I had the privilege of taking care of her.”“Travelled alone!” Major Warde now exclaimed in astonishment.“What happened to the Dean and his wife?”“The Dean was taken ill at the last moment and it’s not necessary for me to say that I saw at once that your daughter was far too pretty to travel alone without getting into trouble.”He saw the expression on Major Warde’s face and added quickly,“But I was able to help her and, of course, when I learnt that she was your daughter, it was something I was only too willing and anxious to do.”“Then I am extremely grateful, my Lord.I had no idea that Aisha would be travelling alone.”“There were a few difficult moments, but I am sure she will tell you about them.”“As you can imagine,” the Major said, “I am very anxious to see her.”“Of course you must be,” the Viceroy said, as he rang a silver bell on his desk.“Later you must tell Lord Kenington all that he wants to know and I am more curious than usual to discover that you have again succeeded so magnificently, as you invariably do.”Major Warde smiled as an equerry opened the door.“Ask Miss Aisha Warde to come immediately,” he said, “but don’t tell her who my visitor is.”“Very good, my Lord,” the Equerry replied.He closed the door and the Viceroy said,“It is very important that no one in this house party should realise why you have been delayed.”“It was usual Regimental duties,” the Major replied.Lord Kenington laughed and said,“You should have said, ‘very unusual ones’!”“If they have to be the last,” Major Warde said, “I could not have had a better end to the drama.When the guns flared out just as it was getting dark and the tribesmen and the Russians began to run, it was so like a melodrama.I could not for the moment believe it was real.”“They were waiting in hiding until dark? “Behind every bush, in the long grass and in holes they had dug in the ground,” the Major replied.“I know the Prime Minister will be delighted by the story and it will make the Liberals, who are continually saying that we are exaggerating the situation, look foolish.”“You should ask them to come out here for a short time,” Major Warde suggested.“They would soon learn the truth!”“That is exactly what I want to take back with me.” At that moment the door opened and Aisha, looking very attractive, walked in.“You wanted me, my Lord?” she asked.Then she saw her father.“Papa!”It was a cry of sheer unabridged joy, as she ran across the room and threw herself against him.“You are back! Oh Papa! I have been so worried.”“I know you have, my dearest, but you might have guessed that I would turn up like a bad penny!”“You have come back and that is all that matters,” Aisha said.“I have prayed and prayed you would be safe.”“And your prayers have been answered,” Major Warde smiled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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