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.She looked at Starr more attentively than at first when he had been just a human being who seemed friendly."Oh, you're the man that stopped at the spring.Well, you know where I live, then.I was hunting these; they wandered off and Vic couldn't find them yesterday, so I—it was just accident that I came across them.I followed some tracks, and it looked to me as if they'd been driven off.There were horse tracks.That's what made me keep going—I was so mad.And now they won't go home or anywhere else.They just want to run around every which way."Starr looked up the arroyo, hesitating.On the edge of San Bonito he had picked up the track of Silvertown cord tires, and he had followed it to the mouth of this arroyo.From certain signs easy for an experienced man to read, he had known the track was fairly fresh, fresh enough to make it worth his while to follow.And now here was a girl all tired out and a long way from home."Here, you climb onto Rabbit.He's gentle when he knows it's all right, and I won't stand for him acting up." Starr swung off beside her."I'll help get the goats home.Where's your dog?""I haven't any dog.The man we bought the goats from wanted to sell me one, to help herd them, he said.But he asked twenty-five dollars for it—I suppose he thought because I looked green I'd stand for that!—and I wouldn't be held up that way.Vic and I have nothing to do but watch them.You—you mustn't bother," she added half-heartedly."I can get them home all right.I'm rested now, and there's a moon, you know.Really, I can't let you bother about it.I know the way.""Put your foot in the stirrup and climb on.You, Rabbit, you stand still, or I'll beat the—""Really, you mustn't think, because I cried a little bit—""Pile on to him now, while I hold him still.Or shall I pick you up and put you on?" Starr smiled while he said it, but there was a look in his eyes and around his mouth that made Helen May yield suddenly.By her awkwardness Starr and Rabbit both knew that she had probably never before attempted to mount a horse.By the set of her lips Starr knew that she was afraid, but that she would break her neck before she would confess her fear.He liked her for that, and he was glad to see that Rabbit understood the case and drew upon his reserve of patience and good nature, standing like a rock until Helen May was settled in the saddle and Starr had turned the stirrups on their sides in the leather so that they would come nearer being the right length for her.Starr's hand sliding affectionately up Rabbit's neck and resting a moment on his jaw was all the assurance Rabbit needed that everything was all right."Now, just leave the reins loose, and let Rabbit come along to please himself," Starr instructed her quietly."He'll follow me, and he'll pick his own trail.You don't have to do a thing but sit there and take it easy.He'll do the rest."Helen May looked at him doubtfully, but she did not say anything.She braced herself in the stirrups, took a firm grip of the saddlehorn with one hand, and waited for what might befall.She had no fear of Starr, no further uneasiness over the coming night, the loneliness, the goats, or anything else.She felt as irresponsible, as safe, as any sheltered woman in her own home.I did not say she felt serene; she did not know yet how the horse would perform; but she seemed to lay that responsibility also on Starr's capable shoulders.They moved off quietly enough, Starr afoot and driving the goats, Rabbit picking his way after him in leisurely fashion.So they crossed the arroyo mouth and climbed the ragged lip of its western side and traveled straight toward the flaming eye of the sun that seemed now to have winked itself nearly shut.The goats for some inexplicable reason showed no further disposition to go in nine different directions at once.Helen May relaxed from her stiff-muscled posture and began to experiment a little with the reins."Why, he steers easier than an automobile!" she exclaimed suddenly."You just think which way you want to go, almost, and he does it.And you don't have to pull the lines the least bit, do you?"Starr delayed his answer until he had made sure that she was not irritating Rabbit with a too-officious guidance.When he saw that she was holding the reins loosely as he had told her to do, and was merely laying the weight of a rein on one side of the neck and then on the other, he smiled."I guess you've rode before," he hazarded."The way you neck-rein—""No, honest.But my chum's brother had a big six, and Sundays he used to let me fuss with it, away out where the road was clear.It steered just like this horse; just as easy, I mean.I—why, see! I just wondered if he'd go to the right of that bush, and he turned that way just as if I'd told him to.Can you beat that?"Starr did not say.Naturally, since she was a girl, and pretty, and since he was human, he was busy wondering what her chum's brother was like.He picked up a small rock and shied it at a goat that was not doing a thing that it shouldn't do, and felt better.He remembered then that at any rate her chum's brother was a long way off, and that he himself had nothing much to complain of right now.Then Helen May spoke again and shifted his thoughts to another subject."I believe I'd rather have a horse like this," she said, "than own that big, lovely take-me-to-glory car that was pathfinding around like a million dollars, a little while ago.I'll own up now that I was weeping partly because four great big porky men could ride around on cushions a foot thick, while a perfectly nice girl had to plough through the sand afoot.The way they skidded past me and buried me in a cloud of dust made me mad enough to throw rocks after them.Pigs! They never even stopped to ask if I wanted a ride or anything.They all glared at me through their goggles as if I hadn't any business walking on their desert.""Did you know them?" Starr came and walked beside her, glancing frequently at her face."No, of course I didn't.I don't know anybody but the stage driver.I wouldn't have ridden with them, anyway.From what I saw of them they looked like Mexicans.But you'd think they might have shown some interest, wouldn't you?""I sure would," Starr stated with emphasis."What kinda car was it, did you notice? Maybe I know who they are.""Oh, it was a great big black car.They went by so fast and I was so tired and hot and—and pretty near swearing mad, I didn't notice the number at all.And they were glaring at me, and I was glaring at them, and then the driver stepped on the accelerator just at a little crook in the road, and the hind wheels skidded about a ton of sand into my face and they were gone, like they were running from a speed cop.I'd much rather have a nice little automatic pony like this one," she added feelingly."You don't have to bundle yourself up in dusters and goggles and things when you take a ride, do you? It—it makes the bigness of the country, and the barrenness of it, somehow fit together and take you into the pattern, when you ride a horse over it, don't you think?""I guess so," Starr assented, with an odd little slurring accent on the last word which gave the trite sentence an individual touch that appealed to Helen May."It don't seem natural, somehow, to walk in a country like this.""Oh, and you've got to, while I ride your horse! Or, have you got to? Is it just movie stuff, where a man rides behind on a horse, and lets the girl ride in front? I mean, is it feasible, or just a stunt for pictures?""Depends on the horse," Starr evaded."It's got the say-so, mostly, whether it'll pack one person or two.Rabbit will, and when I get tired walking, I'll ride.""Oh, that makes it better [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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