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.Jeremy figured that was about as likely as someone like Sam being interested in a stockman from the tablelands.“It looks like we’re in for a storm,” Sam said about the time they reached the turn-off for Taylor Peak and Lang Downs.“Yeah.Let’s get through the gate, and then we’d better lash down the tarp over the supplies.If Caine’s order is anything like Devlin’s, none of it needs to get wet,” Jeremy said.Sam nodded and hopped out to open the gate.Jeremy drove through and parked.He met Sam at the back of the ute and wrestled with the huge tarp.“Before we put this on, you might want to get your Driza-Bone,” Jeremy said.“If it starts raining, you’ll be glad for it when we get to the gates.”Sam grabbed his coat from the package of his supplies, and then together they got the flatbed of the ute covered and the tarp lashed into place.The wind picked up while they worked, enough to make Jeremy glad of the extra pair of hands.He could have managed on his own, but having Sam’s help made it faster and easier.“Thanks for the help,” he said as they climbed back into the ute.“You’re welcome,” Sam replied, “not that I really did anything.”Jeremy had noticed Sam’s penchant for self-effacement earlier in the day, and there it was again, the assumption that somehow his contributions were less important or less significant than anyone else’s.“You held the tarp down against the wind while I tied it in place,” Jeremy said.“If you hadn’t, I’d have been fighting the wind and the rope instead of just the rope.”“You would have managed.”“Yes,” Jeremy said, because he could hardly deny it, “but having your help made it easier.”Sam retreated back into abashed silence, and Jeremy bit back the urge to shout at him.It made him wonder if there wasn’t more to Sam’s divorce than he’d admitted to.Modesty was one thing; Sam’s lack of confidence smacked of emotional abuse.They were nearing the second gate, the one that would take them to the main house at Taylor Peak or let them bypass it for the road to Lang Downs, when another set of headlights caught Jeremy’s eye.“Looks like we have company,” he said to Sam.Next to him, Sam tensed, almost as if he was expecting a blow.“Is there a problem?”“There shouldn’t be,” Jeremy said, resisting the urge to pat Sam’s knee comfortingly.He didn’t know if the gesture would be appreciated, so he kept his hands on the steering wheel and waited for the other vehicle to approach.“The only way to Boorowa from Lang Downs is through Taylor Peak.As long as the jackaroos don’t cause problems, we’ve never had an issue with them crossing our land, and Mr.Lang was always very clear with his men.If you cause problems on Taylor Peak, don’t bother coming back.I haven’t heard Macklin say anything like that, but I can’t imagine he’d be any more tolerant of it.”“He doesn’t seem one to bear fools lightly,” Sam agreed.“I guess we just wait and see what they want?”“Yes,” Jeremy replied.“It could be nothing at all, but since we’ve seen them, it’s polite to wait and acknowledge them.They’ll be here in a minute, and then we can head on home.”A few moments later, the other vehicle came into sight, and Jeremy’s stomach fell when he recognized Devlin’s car.He rolled down the window on the ute, the cold breeze eddying through the warmth of the cab.He could get out and preserve the warmth, but he really wanted the door between him and his brother.He didn’t think they would come to blows again, but he could do without another shiner.“Jeremy,” Devlin said as he approached the ute.“I heard you were in town today.”“I made the supply run for Lang Downs,” Jeremy replied, “not that it’s any of your business.”“I heard that too,” Devlin said.“You’re really going to choose those two no-good pillow biters over your own family?”“If the choice is living with your bigotry or living with Caine and Macklin, I’ll be far happier on Lang Downs,” Jeremy replied evenly.“I told you that the day I left.I’m done playing by your rules.”“You’re no better than they are,” Devlin spat.He peered deeper into the ute at Sam.“Bloody hell, if that’s the best they can do for jackaroos these days, you’ve jumped onto a sinking ship [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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