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.Seventy would be exceptional." "And all you want me to do is meet them and then say a few words about my feelings on national affairsT' "Yes.11"Then I can return home?" "If that's what you want to do." The car came to a halt outside the Cook County Democratic headquarters on Randolph Street.Florentyna was greeted by a Mrs.Kalamich, a plump, homely woman who led her to the main hall.Florentyna was shocked to find that it was packed with people, some standing at the back.As she walked in, they began to applaud."You told me there would only be a few people, Edward," she whispered.The Present: 1968-1982 243"I'm as surprised as you are.I expected about seventy, not over three hundred." Florentyna suddenly felt nervous as she was introduced to the members of the selection committee and then led on to the stage.Shc sat next to Edward, aware of how cold the room was and how the hall was full of people with hope in their eyes, people who enjoyed so few of the privileges she experienced everyday.How different this room was from her own boardroom, full of men in Brooks Brothers suits who ordered martinis before dinner.For the first time in her life she felt embarrassed by her wealth and hoped it didn't show.Edward rose from his chair in the center of the platform, "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my privilege tonight to introduce a woman who has gained the respect and admiration of the American people.She has helped build one of the largest financial empires in the world and I believe she could now build a political career of the same dimensions.I hope she will launch that career in this room tonight.Ladies and gentlemen, Mrs.Florentyna Kane." Florentyna rose nervously to her feet.She began to wish she had spent more time preparing her speech."Thank you, Mr.Winchester, for your kind words.It's wonderful to be back in Chicago, my home town, and I appreciate so inany of you turning out for me on this cold, wet night.1, like vou, feel let down by the political leaders of the day.I believe in a strong America and if I were to enter the political arena I would dedicate myself to those words Franklin D.Roosevelt said in this city over thirty years ago: 'There can be no greater calling than public service.' "My father came to Chicago as an immigrant from Poland and only in America could he have achieved the success he did.Each of us must play our role in the destiny of the country we love and I shall always remember your kindness in inviting me to be considered as your candidate.Be assured that I shall not make my final decision lightly.I have not come with a long prepared speech as I would prefer to answer any questions you consider important." She sat down and three hundred people applauded enthusiastically.When the noise had died down, Florentyna answered questions on subjects ranging from the U.S.bombing of Cambodia to legalized abortion, from Watergate to the energy crisis.It was the first time she had attended any meeting without all the facts and figures at her fingertips and she was244THE PRODIGAL DAUGHITRsurprised to find how strongly she felt on so many issues.After she had an,,wered the final question, over an hour later, the crowd rose and started chanting "Kane for Congress," refusing to stop until she left the platform.It was one of those rare moments in her life when she wasn't sure what to do next.Edward came to her rescue."I knew they would love you," said Edward, obviously delighted."But I was awful," she shouted back above the noise."Then I can't wait to find out what you're like when you're good." Edward Ited her off the platform as the crowd surged forward.A pale man in a wheelchair managed to touch her arm.She turned."This is Sam," said Edward."Sam Hendrick.He lost both his legs in Vietnam." "Mrs.Kane," he said."You won't remember me; we once licked envelopes together in this hall for Stevenson.If you decide to run for Congress, my wife and I will work night and day to see you are elected.Many of us in Chicago have long believed you would come home and represent us." His wife, who stood behind the chair, nodded and smiled."Thank you," said Florentyna.She turned and tried to walk to the exit, but it was blocked by the outstretched hands of the well-wishers.She was stopped again at the door, this time by a girl of about twenty-five who told her, "I lived in your old room in Whitman at Radcliffe and, like you, once stood in Soldier Field and listened to President Kennedy.America needs another Kennedy.Why shouldn't it be a woman?" Florentyna stared at the eager, intense young face."I've graduated and work in Chicago now," the girl continued, "but the day you run, a thousand students from Illinois will be on the streets to see that you are elected." Florentyna tried to ask her her name but was pushed on by the crowd.At last Edward managed to bustle her through the dirong and into a waiting car, which drove them back to the airport.She, didn't speak during the journey - When they arrived at O'Hare, the black chauffeur jumped out and opened the door for her.She thanked him."It's a pleasure, Mrs.Kane.I want to thank you for the stand you took on behalf of my people in the South.We won't forget that you led our struggle for equal pay and every hotel group in the country had to follow you.I hope you're now going to give me the chance to vote for you."The Present: 1968-1982 245"Thank you again," said Horentyna, smiling.Edward took her to the terminal and guided her to the departure gate."Made your flight in good time.Thank you for coming, Florentyna.Please let me know when you've made up your mind." He paused, "if you feel you can't go ahead with the nomination, I'll always understand." He kissed her lightly on the cheek and left.On the flight back, florentyna sat alone thinking about what had happened that night and how unprepared she had been for such a demonstration of good will.She wished her father could have been in the hall to witness it.A stewardess asked for her drink order."Nothing.thank you." "Is there anything else I can do for you, Mrs.Kane?" Florentyna looked up, surprised that the young girl knew her name."I used to work in one of your hotels." "Which one?" asked Florentyna."The Dc~roit Baron.Barons would always be the most popular chotce for stewardesses.If only America was governed the way you run your hotels, we wouldn't be in the trouble we're in now," she said before moving on down the aisle.Florentyna flicked through a copy of Newsweek.Under the headline "How far does Watergate go?" she studied the faces of Ehrlichman, Haldeman and Dean before closing the magazine.On the cover was a picture of Richard Nixon and the caption "When was the President told?" A little atter midnight, she arrived back at East Sixty-fourth Street.Richard was sitting up in the crimson chair by the fire.He rose to greet her."Well, did they ask you to run for President of the United States?" "No, but how do you feel about Congresswoman Kane?"Florentyna phoned Edward the next day."I am willing to put my name forward as the Democratic candidate for Congress," she said."Thank you.I ought to try and express my thoughts more fully, but for now-thank you." "Edward, may I know who would have been the candidate if I had said no?" "They were pushing me to run myself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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