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.Mari's face was pale, and she fairly gulped down the cup of spiced wine Estah offered her.However, she was none the worse for wear.Caledan had to admit to himself, albeit grudgingly, that the Harper had been brave."At least this should keep Ravendas's attention away from the Dreaming Dragon for a while," Caledan said.How long that might be was another question.It was evening when Cormik arrived at the inn.He had traded his normally fastidious, opulent attire for a disguise consisting of the patched, mud-spattered garb of a peasant farmer and wore a wide-brimmed straw hat pulled down low to conceal his eye patch."You know, I think it suits you," Caledan told him with perfect seriousness."I've killed men for much less than that," Cormik snapped, plucking at his threadbare attire with a look of profound distaste."What necessity can make us stoop to," he lamented in a pained voice, but then his manner grew businesslike."I didn't come here for compliments, Caledan.I came to warn you and the lovely Harper Al'maren.I just received word that the lord steward, Snake, has ordered a door-to-door search of every habitation in the city.""We already know," Caledan said matter-of-factly, enjoy-'ng the startled look on Cormik's face.The owner of the Prince and Pauper wasn't used to others learning things before he did.Caledan and Mari spent the rest of the evening deep in conversation with Cormik.Estah brought them a plate of good but simple fare-bread, cheese, and a jug of pale wine.Cormik eyed everything with a sense of novelty."So this is how the masses live," he remarked, picking up his earthenware cup and studying it carefully."How interesting.How peculiar." He sniffed the wine, and his bulbous nose wrinkled.He quickly set it back down."How revolting."Not possessed of such delicate palates, Caledan and Mari enjoyed the repast while Cormik talked.The efforts to try to wear Ravendas down and, more importantly, to discover her weaknesses were going well.A few small opposition bands under the direction of some of Cormik's agents had scored several hits against Lord Cutter's city guard."We've been a thorn in her side, to be sure," Cormik said, "but we have a long way to go.We still need to find more people who are willing to fight the Zhentarim.And then we have to arm them.You two came away from the countinghouse with a fair sum in jewels, but I can't simply sell them openly on the market here.Ravendas is bound to notice.Besides, she has a lock on the weapons trade, and there isn't a blacksmith in a dozen leagues that isn't firing up his forges to arm her men.However, agents of mine are currently making deals in Berdusk and Elversult, though it's going to be a slow process smuggling weapons into the city."Mari sighed deeply."Let's hope she moves even slower than we do."Cormik chuckled deeply."Don't despair, Mari Al'maren.I have ways of sowing problems among Cutter's men." His one good eye gleamed wickedly."As a matter of fact, I suspect that even as we talk new reports are making their way to the tower, telling how the leaders behind the insurrection are in truth captains of Ravendas's own city guards.More than a few of Cutter's men who don't swear their complete loyalty quite fast enough will be swinging by their necks before morning."Caledan shook his head."You're a devious man, Cormik.Remind me never to get on your bad side."Cormik stared at Caledan flatly."You are on my bad side, Caledan."Mari laughed after Cormik had left."You know, I'm really beginning to like that man," she commented."You would," Caledan replied sourly.It was late.The inn had closed for the night.Its shutters were drawn, giving Mari and Caledan the freedom to sit in the glow of the fire in the common room with Estah.Jolle was upstairs.He said he wanted to check on a leak in the roof.Mari didn't remind him there hadn't been a drop of rain in days.She knew the halfling was keeping watch [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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