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.Disappointed, I turned to go.“Hey, old man,” a voice called from the shadows.Todd walked into the stream of moonlight.He was naked.He held out his hand.“Now it’s my turn.”Revenge begets revenge and the cycle goes on forever.I didn’t care.All I wanted was to feel Todd again.He was rough.There was no kissing, no cuddling.He bent me forward and plunged in hard, winding me.I said nothing as he fucked silently, afraid to give sound to his desire.He knew he was hurting me even though I made no complaint.“Now we’re even,” he spat.But even as he continued to fuck me savagely I felt the warmth of his tears on my back.He pushed me away from him as disgusted with himself as he was with me.“I can’t do it,” he sobbed.I wrapped my arms around him.“I’m glad you couldn’t.”The next morning as I loaded my car and strapped my board to the bonnet Shelley came to see me off.“So what decision have you come to?” she said.I smiled.“It was never my decision to make.I knew that I couldn’t be dispassionate about Seaspray.I all but disqualified myself long ago on the grounds of conflict of interest.They’ll appoint someone else to decide your future.I came up to see what was left of the old place.”Shelley was still laughing as I drove toward the beach.In the distance I could see a lone surfer waiting for errant waves.As I watched, one rose from the mouth of the bay and the surfer waited patiently, anticipating its every move.He caught it and cut through the water, majestically riding it close to the shore.As he emerged triumphant and excited from the surf and walked up the beach carrying his board I opened the car door.And waited.SURF STUD INITIATIONChristopher PierceI’d been surfing the beaches of Malibu since I was a kid, and I knew the shores like the back of my hand.So when I finally shaped my first custom board, getting it just the way I wanted it, I knew I had to try it out somewhere special, not on the same old waves I’d been riding for years.I had heard rumors of waves that were twenty-five and thirty feet high in the waters beyond the rocky cove at the farthest edge of Malibu.Some of the really expert surfers, the rippers, had even said they’d seen waves that were thirty-five-feet high.Damn! Heaven on earth! But it was too dangerous.As well, there were rumors that a surf cult, a group of surfers that guarded their territory as ferociously as wild animals, had laid claim to the region just outside the cove border, making it off-limits to anyone else.Standing at the water’s edge with the breakers splashing around my feet, I knew I was ready.Fastening my board’s leash around my ankle so it couldn’t get separated from me, I lay down on it and paddled out into the ocean.The chill of the water on my naked skin was delicious in the warm morning air.Proud of my slim, muscled physique, I never wore anything surfing except a pair of swim trunks.I reached the cove border in no time, and without a second thought I paddled out into the open ocean.Soon enough, I was outside the cove’s protective embrace, with nothing between me and the distant, deserted beach but the waves.They were already bigger than I was used to.Sets of them were crashing down, at least twenty to twenty-five feet high.I realized I had something to prove to myself.I wanted an initiation, a ritual that would transform me from an amateur surfer into a ripper—a real master of the ocean.Taming this treacherous area was just the challenge I needed.Here, away from the lifeguard towers and the safety of the familiar, I could find out what I was made of.Here, I could prove to myself and the ocean that I was a ripper.But there was no more time for thought, because a new set was heading my way.Even from this far away, I could see how many waves were coming—seven.Australian surf-superstition was in force today.Some Aussie surfers believe that sets of seven waves were perfect, divinely ordained, ideal for riding.This was my chance.The swells got closer and closer, and as I got ready I could see them rising, seeming to get larger and larger by some ocean magic.As usual in the presence of large waves, I felt my cock harden up painfully between myself and the board.My whole body was responding to the sea, as if I was hot-wired into its energy by nature itself.Maybe that was why I felt exhilarated instead of scared as the waves crashed toward me.It was time.I paddled toward the first wave, picking up speed as I got closer and closer.At the moment the board was picked up by the swell’s momentum, I got up to my feet.My concentration as sharp as a diamond, I performed a few deft maneuvers and then I was there—on top of the swell.Riding the crest of the wave, I felt omnipotent, like a god of the sea in ancient mythology.With my dick tenting my trunks, I looked down at the raging water beneath me.I could hardly believe it, but the wave was definitely getting higher as it approached the shore.I was at least thirty feet above the surface, if not higher.Ecstasy flowed through me: I had done it! I had conquered the ocean! Nothing could stop me now.I glanced behind me to see if the rest of the waves in the set had gotten this high [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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