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.Lakes on either side made it truly spectacular, providing amazing views.One lake lay beyond the cabin, down a steep bank, and looked like the old Hamm's beer ads.The other lake was across the driveway through the trees.A winding path led to it.Seth came around the end of the car and pressed me against the window while he ran his hands up my sides.He planted a hot kiss on my neck.“You know, we could get naked first and worry about dinner later.”I returned the kiss and stroked a thumb along his jaw line, but said, “If we don't unpack the car, dinner will be wrecked and the beer will get all warm.”“Well, you sure know how to blow a mood.”“No, see, I know you better than you think.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close.“Waiting a while isn't gonna cool your libido one bit, but having to drink warm beer would make you cranky as hell.I'll take randy over cranky any day.”He gave me a sly grin and backed away.“Don't think that means I'm not gonna keep tryin' until I do get you into bed.”“You keep trying all you want to.I like playing hard to get.” I took the keys from him and opened the hatch to unload the groceries and beer.“If only you played,” Seth said, grabbing the duffel bags.“I've never had to work so hard to get laid in my life.”“And yet somehow you always seem to manage.Go figure.”I let us in and set my bags down, then pulled out my cell phone and called Ruth.When she answered I said, “I just wanted to let you know we got here okay.This place is gorgeous.”“I'm glad you like it.You can find whatever you need in the garage, and the boat keys should be hanging by the door in the cabin.Feel free to use anything, and have fun.”“Thanks, Ruth.” I hung up and looked around.It was a simple layout.Bedroom, bathroom, and a big living room with a kitchenette attached.The decor consisted of wood and old leather furniture, with a large freestanding fireplace against one wall, and a stuffed fish on another.A screen porch overlooked the far lake, and at the corner of the wraparound deck stood the grill and a patio table with four chairs.Seth had found a cooler and taken it out there, and he was in the process of filling it with beer and two big bags of ice.I put away the food and went out to join him.“Let the vacation officially begin,” he said as he cracked open two beers and handed me one.I clinked bottles with him and took a sip.As we stood there, a white dog ran up on the deck and someone yelled, “Guinness, come!” A woman crossed the yard to join us.She was maybe late thirties, short blonde hair under a ball cap, wearing plain gray pants and a sweatshirt and carrying a beer of her own.She reminded me of Ruth and I was pretty sure I knew why.“Hello,” I said.“You from down the road there?”“Yep.Helen Gram,” she said, holding out her hand.“Everyone calls me Honey.”Seth said, “What is that place, anyway?”“That's Shantytown,” she said with a bright smile.“Don't let the looks fool you.I have all the comforts there.You should come down and check it out while you're here.”“I take it you were expecting us?” I asked.“Yeah, Ruth called to let me know you'd be here.She said you were all kinds of trouble and I should keep a close eye on you.So I figured I'd invite you down to the campfire tonight.Then I can supervise without leaving my comfy chair.”“That's cute,” I said.“I've actually brought in reinforcements,” she said.“Some of the neighbors will be there and I have lots of beer.We'll be on the beach across the drive from Shantytown.You should come.”“Thanks, we'll see you later then.”She whistled for the dog and ambled off the way she’d come, sipping on her beer.Seth cocked his head and said, “Well, she's a little weird.Nice enough, but weird.”* * * *We lounged around on the deck until we got hungry, then Seth started grilling steaks while I went inside to make a salad.I came out to put some plates and the salad on the patio table and eased up behind him, slipping my arms around his waist.He was warm and solid, and I pressed into him as a cool breeze blew around us.The stress of the past few weeks slipped away and I nudged in against his neck to brush my lips over his skin.“If you think I'm putting out before I get to eat this steak, you're sadly mistaken, Dino.You had your chance.” He tested the meat with his fork and turned one over.“Can't blame a guy for trying,” I said as I traced my tongue along the edge of his ear.He tried to play it cool, but I felt him shiver and caught the soft hum of satisfaction.“Still, if that's the way it's gotta be.” I turned to fish a couple of beers out of the cooler.Behind me, the fork clattered onto a plate and the grill snapped shut.I grinned.When I came to the table, Seth was serving steaks and he nailed me with a gaze so steamy I thought our dinner might catch fire.I'll admit, it gave me pause.He's usually the insatiable one, but at that moment, I could have been persuaded to screw dinner and do him instead.I'm sure that showed, because Seth shot me a smirk and sat down to dig into his food.“You think you're real cute, don't ya?” I said, piling salad on my plate.“Some people find me impossible to resist.”“I suppose it's like scratching an annoying itch.”Seth took a sip of beer involving a lot of tongue and a few moves my dick was more familiar with than the neck of that bottle.I took a deep breath [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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