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.Sure, sex with Craig had been good.The guy was talented, but he was just one guy.Thoughts of Alejandro with the two of them kept intruding, all but ruining the experience with Craig.Craig would be a fantastic man to have in her life—someone she could lean on in good times and in bad.What she needed was a chance to see if two men could truly please her.She needed to experience ménage for herself, rather than just read about it.Would that help her learn to live in reality? God help her, she just didn’t know for sure.I’m truly a fucked-up woman.Because no matter how hard she’d tried to push it aside, to make it go away, the desire to discover what having two men in her bed and in her life would be like wouldn’t budge.She needed them.And Craig and Alejandro would never understand.* * * *Alejandro unlocked the door to let Craig and Juliana into his studio.Immediately picking up on the change in the sexual energy between them, he let a smile spread across his face.They’d taken his advice, and if he read their body language right, they’d finally acknowledged and acted on their mutual attraction, although there was still…something blocking them from total connection.If he was correct, perhaps their connection might lead them to realize they desired a threesome and would want to explore that with him.As he watched them with their heads together, talking softly, he felt a satisfaction in his part in helping bring them together.But his job wasn’t done yet, not if he wanted his ultimate goal.No, they needed a little more pushing for them to be able to take that important final step, the step that could change all their lives for the better.Craig and Juliana were special to him.Since both were what he’d consider middle-grade celebrities, that made them more cautious than most.It was clear Juliana had never acted on her desires, while Craig might not even have acknowledged his.Such a pleasure it would be when they both finally unleashed all the longing they kept bottled up deep inside.His hopes for kindling a new and wonderful relationship as he’d enjoyed in Argentina soared.“Welcome back,” he said as he came to stand next to them.“Now, we shall begin again.”Chapter 4Three weeks later…Craig stopped for a minute to catch his breath, backing off to let Alejandro teach Juliana a few new steps.After all their lessons, he thought they were getting pretty damned good at the rumba, at least as good as the celebrities who appeared on Dancing with the Stars.They’d learned basic steps, mastered a couple of simple dances, and now were working on some of Alejandro’s more complicated choreography.When the charity competition rolled around, Humphrey Kearns and his blonde bimbo were going to be humiliated.Craig and Juliana would burn the floor.Coming up behind her, the instructor had his hands pressed to her belly as he ground his hips against her ass.Her face had flushed, but she gave as good as she got, pushing back into Alejandro, even placing her hand on his hip to hold him closer.Fuck, watching them together had Craig hard enough it was painful, and he could periodically feel drops of fluid leaking from the end of his dick.Every lesson seemed like the prelude to a porno.Most of the time Jules spent sandwiched between the two men as their hands and bodies touched hers.The sounds she obviously tried to hold inside were so much like those that had come from her when he’d made love to her the night of their first lesson.Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, they danced, Craig took her out to dinner, and then he kissed her goodnight at her door.No matter how heated the kisses grew, he never went into her apartment or invited her to his condo.He wanted her back in his bed, even dreaming about fucking her almost every night.But after her reaction the first time they’d made love, he didn’t want to push her too fast again.This time, Craig wanted everything to be perfect.He wanted to establish the relationship before he pushed for something more.Sexual frustration followed him like a shadow, but he was able to vent some of it at their dance lesson.A whole hour of dancing three times a week gradually turned into a seduction.But who exactly was seducing whom?Alejandro seemed every bit as intent to have Juliana as Craig, yet he never made it seem like he wanted to exclude Craig.The vibes coming from the instructor screamed threesome—the way he touched her while also encouraging her to touch Craig.He always included Craig while he teased and flirted with Juliana, hinting about how the three of them complemented each other.But would any of them ever have the nerve to act on his subtle invitations? And even if they found the guts, what would the ground rules be?Craig didn’t do cock.Some of his buddies didn’t seem to care if they got pussy or dick so long as they got off, not even bothering to be on the down low.Craig never thought of another man as sexy.Yet watching Alejandro with Jules seemed…different.No, he wasn’t ready to stick his dick up the guy’s ass—far from it.Yet all those ideas, all those plaguing fantasies of them both making love to Juliana at the same time… Now that was fucking hot!“Jesus, what’s wrong with me?” he whispered as he smoothed his sweat-dampened hair away from his forehead.I’m some kind of pervert [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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