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.The need to give chase was strong, as was the scent of fear in the air."This is for you.Just in case you need it.Good luck, son."His father’s human hand landed on his shoulder as his smooth voice ran through Lucas's mind.He turned his head and licked the back of his father’s hand as he tied something around his upper front leg.Lucas wasn’t sure what it was, but he obviously needed it.Once his father stepped back he knew the time had come.He leapt forward, unable to wait a moment longer.A red haze crowded Lucas's brain as he bounded towards the dense forest.The early morning rain had awakened the plants and moss, the forest floor soft beneath his paws as he ran.His heart pounded so hard it almost made him sick, but something else was driving him now.The need to find her.He saw the fleeing figures of wolves ahead of him and inhaled again.Yes.There she is.He turned south and ran faster.Towards that tantalizing scent he would never get enough of.It burned his nostrils and fed straight into his blood stream, firing him to move faster.He saw a wolf up ahead.It was a good size, pure white, and moving so fast Lucas couldn’t see anything aside from the flash of color through the trees.Good.She would give him strong pups.Lucas ducked around a tree, jumped over a log and pounced, jumping straight on top of the smaller wolf and sinking his teeth into their nape hard as they fell to the ground.A pained yelp had Lucas gentling his bite, but as his tongue licked at the drops of blood every part of him settled and calmed.He had found his mate.A shift was going on beneath him, and Lucas let his wolf go, needing to mate with his life partner in human form.As his body popped and clicked back into shape and he opened his eyes, the form beneath him made his cock harden even as his brain shouted out a vehement, “No!”“What the fuck?”The words were out before his brain caught up with his tongue.He grabbed the muscled shoulders and rolled his mate over.Careful to maintain his dominant position, he pinned the rather striking young man to the ground beneath him.“You picked the wrong wolf,” his mate said flatly, his face turning away and refusing to meet Lucas's gaze.His mate, because that’s what he was, Lucas had no doubt in his mind, had beautiful skin, smooth and tanned.Blond hair, very similar to his wolf fur, flowed down to his shoulders.His tightly muscled body turned Lucas on something fierce, and yet he couldn’t hide his surprise at finding a male beneath him.Lucas reached for the man's wrists and gripped the warm skin.Tingles danced through his palms, and he squeezed a little.The shock was wearing off now, and he refused to reject the gift he had been given.It wasn’t unusual to have a male mate, but Lucas himself had never thought he’d be given one.He shifted his body so that his hard cock was rubbing against the man’s muscled belly beneath him.“The bond is unmistakable.You are my mate.”The man beneath him looked up for a moment, his piercing green eyes making Lucas's belly curl before he looked away again.“No, it’s not possible.Please let me go.”Pain struck Lucas across the chest, and he inhaled sharply.“No.”His mate bit his lip, but kept staring at Lucas as though he were begging.“I’m offering you a way out.Let me go.Chase down another wolf and mate with her.I know you aren’t into men.”Lucas showed his teeth in warning, and his mate arched up, thrashing his head from side to side.“Let.Me.Go!”Lucas held on tight and stretched his mate’s arms up higher above his head.“Stop! You are my mate.I will not choose another.”His mate sobbed a little and sank down into the dirt once again, the fire of banked anger still evident in his eyes."You don't look too happy about it.Alpha"Lucas frowned and growled a little.This was not the way he wanted their first conversation to go, but the very least his mate deserved was the truth.Most werewolves were open to loving both sexes, as was he.It wasn't unnatural or wrong.He just hadn't found a male he’d wanted as a lover before now.“I wanted pups and assumed my mate would be female.”Lucas watched tears shimmer in his mate’s eyes, and a pain tore through his chest at the sight, so intense it robbed him of his breath.“I can't give you pups.”Lucas rumbled and lowered his head, running his tongue over his mate’s muscled neck tasting his bite mark once again.“No, but you can give me so much more.A mate to fight alongside me, protect our pack.Love me as only my true mate can.”His mate shivered and moaned, opening his legs wider in invitation even as he struggled beneath Lucas’s heavy body.“No…”His mate fought a little harder beneath him, firing all of Lucas's instincts to claim and conquer.Where did he think he was going?"You're mine." He bit down on the place between his mate's neck and shoulder, tasting the salty skin and smelling the arousal of the man who would stand beside him for their whole entire lives together."Ah." His mate groaned, arched his back, then sighed, going boneless beneath him.Lucas released his grip on his mate and asked, "What's your name?" while inhaling the sweetness of his mate's scent.His eyes slid closed as pleasure assailed his brain.He was home with this man.No matter where they were or who they were surrounded by, this man would always be his center."Jasper.Alpha."The gruff, whispered words were the most beautiful Lucas had ever heard.He moved over his mate and captured his full lips, moaning loudly as liquid fire poured through him at the first contact.Jasper didn't respond immediately, and Lucas became impatient.He forced his tongue through Jasper’s lips and plunged it deep inside his mate's mouth.At the first touch of their tongues sliding against each other Jasper began to respond with gusto.Jasper hummed and thrust his hips up, sucking on Lucas's tongue and fighting to be free once again.Lucas removed the grip on Jasper’s wrists, hoping it was the right move to allow his mate some freedom.It was.Jasper wrapped his arms around Lucas's ribcage and dug his fingers into Lucas's back.The pressure and possession in his touch caused frissons of awareness and pleasure to ripple through his body.Lucas broke their kiss to look down into the dazed green eyes of his lover [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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