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.Our teacher will be checking us all into the coach.’‘It would have been no trouble, but I understand.’Roz hesitated.‘And it’s really nice of you to offer to pay for my tea, but there’s no need.I mean, why should you?’‘Why shouldn’t I? I feel we’re already friends.’As their waitress came hurrying up with her notebook, Laurence looked down at Roz, his gaze serious.‘I’d like to, anyway.’‘Oh, well, thank you,’ she murmured, gathering up her packages.‘Now, I’d better go.It was very nice, talking to you.’‘Hang on, I’ll just pay this and then I’ll walk with you to the car park.I have to collect my car.’Saying that would be fine, Roz was already wondering what Norma would say when she saw Roz arriving with this tall stranger in tweeds.‘Where’d he come from?’ she was bound to ask, and if Roz had to tell her they’d met over tea in a café, she’d put on one of her funny looks and think Roz had been some sort of pick-up.Perhaps that was true, but when she glanced up at the man walking by her side, pulling on a tweed cap and smiling down at her, she knew it wasn’t.To use her mother’s phrase about Richard Vincent, Laurence was what Richard was not, a ‘perfect gentleman’.Even on their short acquaintance, Roz knew she could trust him, and that was the difference between him and another man, wasn’t it? But Roz would not think of that one.‘There’s the coach in the car park now,’ she said quickly.‘Thank you for coming with me.’He smiled and put out his hand.‘Well, it’s been good to meet you, Miss Rainey.Perhaps we’ll meet again.If I come into Tarrel’s, I’ll be sure to look out for you.’‘Please do,’ she said politely, shaking his hand.As she began to walk away, she looked back and waved.‘Thanks again for the tea.’‘My pleasure, Miss Rainey.’She did not look back again.Mrs Burr and a number of her students were already milling round the coach as Roz arrived, and amongst these were Norma and Tim.‘Who was that fellow you were with just now?’ Norma asked at once, as Roz had known she would.‘Just one of our clients.We met in the museum café.’‘I don’t remember him.Who does he see?’‘Mr Banks, but he doesn’t come in much.’‘What’s his name, then?’‘Mr Carmichael.’Norma wrinkled her brow.‘Seems familiar.’‘Look, can we get on the coach now?’ Tim asked impatiently.‘What does this client matter, anyway?’Nothing at all, thought Roz, as she followed Norma and Tim on to the coach once Mrs Burr had ticked off their names on her list.Except that she had enjoyed meeting Mr Carmichael and did wonder if she might see him again.It was possible, wasn’t it? Better not count on it, though.As though she would! Why, she wasn’t looking for any kind of new relationship.She’d burnt her fingers once and that was enough.All the same, it had been very pleasant talking to him.Even if she never saw him again, she would remember that.Forty-TwoIn the days that followed her meeting with Laurence Carmichael, Roz continued to wonder who he was and why his name seemed familiar, but she knew she couldn’t ask Mr Banks, who would not take kindly to enquiries about his client.Why the interest? she asked herself, and wasn’t sure.Just curiosity, perhaps, or more that he’d been very nice to talk to and she might like to meet him again? Pointless, anyway, thinking about him, because he hadn’t come into Tarrel’s and it seemed it was unlikely there’d be any more meetings.Probably he was the sort of client who never needed to visit his lawyer more than once in a blue moon, and as June succeeded May and the summer weather sparked off interest in property buying and selling, Roz became too busy to think of anything but work.‘Just the way I like it,’ Mr Appin commented on their increased business.‘Our figures are going to break records at this rate.’‘I like to be busy too,’ said Roz.‘But you mustn’t forget your summer leave, Mr Appin.’‘September will do for Pattie and me.No kiddies with school holidays to worry about, you see.’ He gave a self-conscious smile.‘Though, of course, we hope that won’t always be the case.’‘Oh? Does that mean …?’ Roz was looking interested.‘Nothing on the horizon at the moment,’ he said hastily.‘As I say, we’re just hoping.But what about a holiday for you, Miss Rainey? You know what they say about all work and no play?’She laughed.‘Oh, I don’t forget to play sometimes, Mr Appin.As we’re so busy, I’ll be happy with a break in the autumn when you come back.’He looked at her thoughtfully and she knew just what was in his mind.Attractive girl, only seems to think about work in spite of saying she likes to let her hair down – why hasn’t she got a young man? At least no one had told him about her affair with his predecessor, though they could only have had their suspicions, apart from Norma and Mr Wray, and they wouldn’t say anything.It was all in the past now, and if she did seem to prefer work to having a young man, that was her business.Mr Appin was far too tactful ever to question her private life, anyway, and for that she was truly grateful.‘Coffee time!’ she announced now.‘I think we could do with it – we’ve a lot on this morning.’But before she could depart to make it, the door opened and Mr Banks himself came in, causing Roz and Mr Appin to exchange glances, each thinking, what could he want? Must be something important.‘Had a good holiday, Mr Banks?’ asked Mr Appin, for the senior partner had recently taken a few days in Bamburgh.‘You’re looking well.’‘Excellent holiday, thanks.’ Mr Banks, who was indeed looking unusually tanned, gave a beaming smile.‘And I found some interesting news waiting for me on my return.’‘Oh?’ Mr Appin pushed forward one of the leather chairs.‘Won’t you take a seat?’‘No, no, I shan’t stay long – I’ve a mountain of work to get through.I just wanted to advise you both that a significant property will be coming on to the market shortly and is to be sold through Tarrel and Thom’s.’‘Sounds good.Which one is it?’‘A house called Bellfields.A Georgian place a few miles from Edinburgh, off the Galashiels road.You may not know it, Mr Appin, but Miss Rainey will, I’m sure?’‘Oh, yes, Mr Banks.At least, I’ve heard about it but I’ve never seen it.’‘It’s only open a couple of times in the summer – not one of your tea room and gift shop sort of places.But now it’s coming on the market and we’re the sole agents.’ Mr Banks’s smile was now showing his satisfaction even more.‘Of course, it’s only to be expected – the Carmichaels have been clients of ours for generations.I remember Laurence Carmichael’s father consulting my father – keeping up the tradition, you understand, but I’m glad there’s been no question of calling in one of these smart London agents.It’s a Scottish house and should be sold by Scottish lawyers.’‘Did you say Carmichael?’ Roz asked, her thoughts in turmoil.‘It’s Mr Laurence Carmichael who owns Bellfields?’‘Yes, yes, exactly so,’ snapped Mr Banks, annoyed at being interrupted.‘I thought I’d made that clear!’‘I know, sir, I’m sorry.It’s just that I met Mr Carmichael not long ago and he never mentioned Bellfields.’‘You met him? Where?’‘It was in Kirkcudbright.I’d gone there with my art class and he had been to the same museum I’d been visiting.’ Roz was now blushing hard.‘I think he’d just sold a painting to the musuem.’‘I see [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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