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.I’d never been around two kids in so much need of fun.When we got home, we started the usual rituals of school work and chores, and finished just before Gwen arrived at five thirty—early by her standards any day of the week.She grimaced, and her eyes darted around, looking for Bree.I jerked my head toward the stairs, and she took them two at a time.I craned my head to listen, but they were too quiet to hear, so I turned back to my pot of boiling water and grabbed a box of noodles from the cabinet, emptied the remainder into the water, and added some olive oil and salt.A loud thumping started from upstairs, and it shook the walls.I dropped my wooden spoon and ran up at full speed.I stopped cold at Bree’s door and stared into the room.Gwen, Bree, and Brady were blasting music and dancing.Brady was bobbing his head and pumping his arms in jerky movements.Gwen had her skirt hiked up and was swinging her hips from side to side as the beat pounded.Bree jumped around in a circle and ran her little feet in place before throwing her hands in the air.They spun and bounced, all three of them laughing.When the beat dropped, they swung around in circles, clapping.Gwen leaned into Bree and sang to her, shaking her shoulders and her ass at the same time.Bree nodded and bopped along, while Brady played an air guitar that made me press my fist to my mouth to stifle my laughter.When the song ended, they all collapsed on the floor, laughing and breathing hard.Bree crawled over to where Gwen was laying and rested her head against her stomach, and Brady laid his head on her shoulder.Gwen wrapped her arms around them, closed her eyes, and smiled.“Feel better?” she asked, out of breath.They both nodded.“Thanks, Auntie G,” Bree said softly.I stepped back into the hallway, rested my back against the wall, and smiled.Then I went back down to the kitchen to finish dinner.Later that evening, when the kids were upstairs getting ready for bed, Gwen and I stood next to each other at the sink.There was that familiar pull that made me want to touch her.Her leg was just a bit too close to mine.Her ass was almost touching my thigh.I was concentrating on how her cheeks would feel in my palm, and I dropped the plate I was handling into the soapy water.Dishwater and suds went flying up and over the side of the sink and all over Gwen.She yelped as her white blouse molded against her chest.Her lacy bra showed through, and she pulled the shirt out from her skin.“Smooth move, Ex-lax,” she said.I stared at her.“Ex-lax? What year is it?”She pursed her lips and dipped her hand into the water before flicking her fingers at my face and covering me in suds.“Shut up.That was my dad’s favorite saying.”“Ow!” I yelled and pressed my arm to my eye.“You got soap in my eye.I’m going to go blind!”“Oh, Dee.Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” She pulled on my arm.“Can you open it? Come on, let’s flush it out.”She stood on her tiptoes, her face an inch from mine.I opened my eyes and laughed.“You are so gullible.”She set her jaw.“You’re a jerk.” Her eyes slid from mine to my mouth, and she took a step closer.I settled my hands on her hips, and she sighed.She leaned into me and secured her hands along my shoulder blades, gripping the back of my shirt as I lowered my face to hers.She breathed in, and her eyes fluttered closed as our lips ghosted across each other’s.“Can I kiss you?” she asked tentatively.“Yeah.” I tightened my grip on her.“Why are you asking?”“Because I feel like last time was unfair and I want to make sure.” Her eyes lifted to mine, and my heart sped up again.My inner kid was looking up her skirt.Closing the distance, I opened my mouth and enveloped her lips in my own.I tugged on her lower one gently with my teeth and crushed her chest against mine.I slid my hands lower and cupped her cheeks, squeezing and earning her muted sigh into my mouth.She ground against my dick, and it throbbed against the zipper of my jeans, trying of its own accord to escape and get under her skirt.“Andrew,” she moaned, rocking her hips into mine.“I’d like to continue this”—she snaked her hands up my chest and into my hair to pull my face closer to hers—“but the kids will be down in a few minutes.I think we should stop.”I took a steadying breath and ran my tongue across her top lip before kissing her again and pulling away.“Right.Good call.”She stepped back and let her hands trail back across my chest before dropping them to her side.I adjusted myself and bit my tongue from saying I wanted her in my bed after the kids went to theirs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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