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.MacLaren glared in Chaumont's direction, the familiar scowl returning to his face."Let's ride.We need to reach Dundaff as soon as possible to warn them o' the impending siege." MacLaren released Aila's hands."Siege?" The very word struck fear in Aila's gut."Aye, 'tis likely.They have the soldiers now, though I canna begin to explain how.""Can we survive it?" The mist suddenly felt more cold and foreboding."For a while, at least," MacLaren had been part of many a siege though generally on the offensive side.If you had a well-equipped, well-disciplined army and were willing to wait, the occupants, or what was left of them, nearly always surrendered.To be the object of a siege was not a thing he relished, knowing slow starvation would probably be his future.Yet he had made a promise to Graham to stand with him against his enemies, and he would do it."We've no' brought in the crops yet," said Aila, her eyes wide."We'll starve.""We have much to prepare afore they surround the castle.Let's ride.""Wait! What if we could get more warriors to join the battle on our side?""Aye, that's the only way to defeat the army—meet them on the field.But we dinna have enough troops to face the army McNab has somehow raised, even with our forces combined.""What if we sent a plea to the Campbells for help?""Aye, the Campbells have the warriors to do the job.But wi' all due respect, if they did naught to help yer father when McNab was burning his fields, what makes ye think they would help now?"Because we are fostering Hamish, one o' the laird's sons.He would be caught up in the siege, too."MacLaren raised an eyebrow.That was certainly interesting information.The lass had a point, a good one.They should certainly appeal to the Campbells for assistance."'Tis a bonnie idea.We'll send a messenger as soon as we reach Dundaff.""But we're half the way to the Campbells now.If we return all the way to Dundaff only to send a rider back here, it will waste an entire day.We should ride now to Laird Campbell.""Nay, I must return wi' my men and make prepa rations.They take orders from none but me.I must return now.""Then I will ride to the Campbells."MacLaren replied instantly."Nay, ye will return to Dundaff.""Where it's safe? If Dundaff is to be sieged, I'd be safer riding the country requesting assistance than inside the castle walls fighting over the last scraps of food.""Ye forget ye are what he wants.Ye canna ride around wi'out protection.Ye could be taken again or robbed and killed.Ye dinna understand the dangers.""I will take the message," offered Chaumont."Do ye ken the way?" Aila asked."Not at all.Is it difficult to find from here?"No one answered, leaving Chaumont to guess that indeed it was."I can do this.Please let me help me people," beseeched Aila."Nay, 'tis too dangerous for a woman alone," said MacLaren impatiently.Chaumont spoke up again."I will be her guard.""Nay!" shouted MacLaren at Chaumont."She'll no' be riding to the Campbells.I've lost all who are dear to me.I winna lose her, too.""I'm dear to ye?" asked Aila."I'm not?" asked Chaumont.MacLaren scowled at them, sputtering a few incoherent words.A small smile played on Aila's lips.Perhaps he cared for her after all.The thought warmed her, and despite the dire situation, she felt rather lighthearted.Somehow the revelation gave her courage, and she was even more determined to ride to the Campbells.She had thought she might be able to do it a moment ago, but if MacLaren felt something akin to affection for her, she knew she could."MacLaren… Padyn, I'm a fast rider.Ye ken it.None will catch me.Let me do this thing.Let me help save my clan."MacLaren glared, but this time she interpreted the look as one of concern."Your wife makes a valid argument.I swear no harm will come to her," Chaumont said quietly.At least she had convinced him."After we secure the Campbells' assistance, we can return to the castle through the secret passage I told ye about," Aila continued."Nay." MacLaren shook his head, turning to Chaumont."After ye return from the Campbells, take her to the convent where she will be safe from this.Then ye alone may return to the castle."Aila's heart soared."Thank ye.I will no' fail ye." MacLaren trusted her to do this mission, and it made her warm and tingly.She wanted to return to Dundaff after going to the Campbells, to stand with her people, but she knew better than to press her luck.MacLaren looked from Aila to Chaumont.Aila sensed the struggle with his thoughts, or possibly his emotions.He looked decidedly unhappy.Aila waited, hoping for some declaration of love."We've tarried in this glen too long," said MacLaren.Aila nodded and turned to go.It was not exactly what she was hoping for.MacLaren called back to them, "Aila, take care [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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